Unless you’re on Voyager, in which case the image is already displayed before you click!
Unless you’re on Voyager, in which case the image is already displayed before you click!
FROM scratch AS internet
This dryer?
Signal: SimpleX
How does that even work?
It’s joking about A, which in ASCII stands for America, being the only letter capitalized.
Not if you’re a Bash programmer ·υ·
Thanks for the reminder that I can tag users!
OP’s mom*
You can still just hide the password field upon typing an SSO email address — iirc Atlassian does this.
Do the people seeing this know what each term means, or how it’s justified? If not, I’m fucked.
Any bets on which position he’s buying?
I believe that this is only for links from their Discover view, which is same-origin.
When you go to the website, it can save that cookie for the session, even if you later remove the parameter.
Poe’s law?
Yes, cats are by definition cute. Next question.
Same Word document trick! I usually use zero-byte files instead as that corruption is more common, but sometimes corrupted files are useful.
Windows is harder, so less valuable to spend time on.
My main branch is called