Believe me, it used to be so much worse than that.
Hardware vendors see the need to allocate their resources to support the majority of the users, so that means making drivers for all current flavors of Windows and Mac. Linux has a residual market margin, so no incentive there.
It usually is up to some talented person or persons somewhere out there to come up with support for dinner shiny new hardware, usually months or years after the shininess went away.
The path is clear: buy from vendors who support Linux, make yourself heard if they don’t, or put up the work to make it work if you have the capability.
A lot of man-hours went into engineering it. Very smart people from many distros went over it, kicked its tires and deemed it good enough to replace old SysV. We’ve been through this, if you don’t like it for some reason, use something else.
It’s just software, people, it’s not a frelling religion.