• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • A lot of people here say that your bother’s son is too young for a Switch.

    I’d like to take a different approach and point out that you do a comparison between childhood when you were young and childhood for your brother’s son. You show (rightly) that you and your brother grew up well-adjusted even though you had video games in your life.

    I would rebut that “growing up well-adjusted” probably isn’t the biggest concern of you brother. It’s probably more about how much harder it’ll be to get his son to engage with other things that are important to the family if the boy has the Switch as an ever-present alternative.

    I actually think you should buy your brother a beer and ask him more about it (out of curiosity, rather than looking for an argument). The beer will probably help your brother limber up and you’ll get to hear him complain about what a pain in the ass it is to try and wrangle a kid.

    But all of that doesn’t nullify that you’re trying to be a good and fun uncle, so thank you for that.

  • Just one more of a million massive breaches within the last 10 years. No real consequences, I’m sure.

    At this point, I think it’s safe to say that no individual person’s personal data hasn’t been caught in one of these breaches (unless they were born very recently). That’s not even mentioning the hundreds of vendors who I no longer work with but still have my sensitive data on their systems.

    I heard an idea a few years ago that I found interesting: each person has their private data hosted on a secure data hub. If a vendor needs some of that data (ex: FirstName, LastName, Email) for their system, they have to make a request to your hub for it, which you then have to approve. Each time a vendor system needs that data, they make a callout to your hub. As long as they have an active approval, the callout would succeed for the fields they’ve been authorized. You can then revoke that request whenever you’d like.

    I like the idea of having a running list of vendors who have access to your data and being able to revoke that data. However, it would also create a single location (your data hub) that could be breached and be a higher value target than any of the particular vendors.
