Stop using the Nazi breeding ground, there problem solved.
Stop using the Nazi breeding ground, there problem solved.
Ford should have cancelled his trip and just turned off the power, Quebec should also turn off their power exports. I understand they are talking with people who are not Trump, but those people have no power when it comes to President Musk or VP Trump.
We had a French sub appear in Atlantic Canada showing at least France is ready for Article 4.
Good, then we should have the politicians off of them.
If Quebec power was also cut off then New York would start experiencing brown outs, I do not know how the other states Ontario are surcharging would do but it needs to happen.
If I remember the Quebec power being down in 2002 or 03 there were brown outs down the east coast.
He has not been vacationing in the states off and on for the past two months has he? Moe-ron has been.
Yes he did for a month or until the 2nd, I do not remember the time but he does not give a flying F about them, he was just trying to shut them up. Musk is going to loss all his wealth soon once Tesla is gone and he wont have Trump’s ear so Trump will give even less shits about the auto industry.
I agree we need to add a surcharge to our energy output to the US but expect Smith and Saskatchewan’s DUI hire to get all mad.
The net is off the rink right now, Elbows up!
He only has those powers because he is claiming a natiotional security thing. Fentanyl is the big scary thing he thinks Canada is bringing into the US, when there are far more illegal things coming into Canada from the US. Guns and Drugs.
I agree to a point, he should have kept the 25% surcharge in place until he gets back from the shake down he is walking into down in DC.
Elbows up!
Sad thing is is Ontario has already taken the surcharge away, because he is going down to DC to get the shake down.
I hope he comes back and just turns the power off.
After every war we are in new things get added to the Geneva convention, because of stuff we do, so I say come at us US see what happens.
He is not going to listen to them, he is going to repeat his line about how there will be a short time of adjustment or whatever the F he has been saying.
Trump would not go anywhere to get a shake down, big difference.
He is doing better than Moe and Smith, Saskatchewan’s DUI hire is going down to the states to party with some Texas delegation.
I watched the CPAC speech he just gave and now I am watching some US news, I thought it sounded like he was going down to DC to make a deal I thought he was going down for the secretary to bag him to not do the surcharge without doing anything in return. Watching some US news after it sounds like he is going down for a shake down.
As much as I hate saying it he needs to just turn off the power. Trump will get really angry and F around more with tariffs I know but he has already promised to do that soon with steal and aluminum and then reciprocal tariffs on the second.
Why would you punish one of his kiddos?
Stop using the Google, Ecosia is a search engine. Sure it uses google as the backend but you are less visible by Google.