For now.
For now.
Shit tons of people are paying for it. And the ones that aren’t, are viewing ads- both of these things are a profit for YouTube.
The only option you have is to not use the services at all. This is how you hurt them.
I would describe myself as an anarchist
If only it weren’t for the fact that you’re an authoritarian, as has been shown in the point of this post, as well as your failed attempts to justify your decision to remove comments that you didn’t like- comments that broke no rules.
Ahhh… Now I’m apparently old an out of touch? There appears to be no end to the excuses you’ll make to discredit any criticism I have against your behavior. I wonder why that might be?
And look at that! It seems you’ve branched out into concern trolling as well. I love that for you!
Head up- No amount of attacks toward at others- regardless of what you disguise them as, will hide teh fact that you’re a sad little hypocrite of a moderator that used your authority to silence voices that disagreed with your ideology-
-the very thing you pretend to be so adamantly against.
And… You can be absolutely certain that in any future interactions I have with you- this will be brought up. Because people need to be made aware of those that misuse their authority…
… go ahead and tell me you disagree.
(Oh, and one last thing- I purposefully left a word un-spellchecked just for you buddy! I know how much you love lording that shit over others, so… Let ‘er rip, bud!)
Sorry for the delay, it took me a while to find the goalposts you just moved. Managed to find them all the way over here by this random request of yours for me to “crap all over” a post you made in another community?
Why would I do that in a community where you’re not a mod there that’s responsible for removing comments you don’t like?
You see? My problem isn’t with the content of the post, It’s with the character of the poster.
I thought I made that pretty clear.
And lastly, what medications you’re taking is entirely irrelevant to the discussion, and won’t buy you any sympathy form me.
I’ve no clue what the fuck you’re talking about. Was that quote supposed to be me?
Either way…
Since you’ve now resorted to shitting all over the chess board which is the tell of a troll when they are desperately seeking an escape, it’s safe to say you have nothing left.
I tried, like everyone else here- to explain to you how deleting shit you don’t like is embarrassingly shitty behavior for a mod- and this is how you chose to deal with it.
Go ahead and victimize yourself however you feel you need to not have to take responsibility for your actions. I’m done with it.
Thankfully it will remain here for everyone to see who you are…. Son.
I’m the one criticizing a kid posing memes in response to someone criticizing them for running their community like a dictator- while simultaneously claiming to want to unite everyone against a dictator.
You’re a kid posing memes in response to someone criticizing you for running a community like a dictator- while simultaneously claiming to want to unite everyone against a dictator.
If you spent half the time it takes you to make shitpost memes- actually owning what you’ve done and learning from it……
When you grow up…
…says the person that uses cartoons to respond to legitimate criticism.
And you wonder why I call people trolls.
You could have chosen to learn from this, but instead you chose to lean into it. I really hope this gets more traction. People need to see who you are.
A moderator’s reaction to being called out as a hypocrite for silencing members of their community because of their opinions.
Pretty much sums everything up nicely.
The hypocrisy in someone posting about a national shutdown in protest of a forceful dictatorship-
-then going on to delete most of the comments because they don’t like that they disagree with their narrative is- Well… you know……
Because it’s irrelevant to the discussion. I’m not the one on the stand, defending my actions and seeking validation for doing shit that should probably warrant me being removed as a moderator- you are.
I’m just offering advice. And it’s coming from both barrels because due to the nature of what you did, and how fucking smug you are about it here- I honestly didn’t feel you deserved it served any other way.
Want respect? Then be respectful. And the fact that you’re here being an ass to people because they called you out for acting like the very thing you claim to stand against, clearly shows that you are not.
If I were you, I’d make a stickied post in your community offering an apology and a promise to never do that shit again.
Be better.
If users feel aggrieved I am sorry, but I would do it again.
Further validating the opinion that if you can’t accept that people will react differently than how you might want or expect them to, and you even think to silence them because of it- you have no business being a moderator.
Agreed. Seems there no floor to what people will put up with from them. I can’t understand it. I’ve tried products and services I found that I absolutely hated. I don’t have those products or services anymore.
It’s pretty easy to not do something.
That is none of your fucking business.
And oh yes. I will absolutely call people trolls. Because I call my opinions as I see them. And some people are fucking trolls. That’s the way shit goes on the internet. However, that doesn’t mean would ever do this as a moderator- because I know how to keep my bias in check when it’s time to run a community that others rely on being fair.
You clearly have shown you can’t.
Think of it like this: when one goes to work, they don’t talk shit and insult their customers/clients, regardless of wether or not they feel they deserve it. It’s called professionalism and responsibly. If you can’t run a community with either of these, you have no business running a community.
And it seems everyone here agrees, because you’re getting absolutely wrecked where you thought you’d have solidarity.
Me too. I never try to come off as pushy on the topic. Just suggesting an option, but man… people haven’t responded well to it in the past.
I have moderated many in the past- and I only moderate a few currently. And I can tell you from my experience over the years- doing shit your way is the opposite of what defines a good moderator.
And if it helps, because it sort of relates-
If you’re going to ask a question, maybe allow the person questioned, to answer before you drop accusations on them. Because the “glass houses” this makes you come off as someone smug and obnoxious.
It’s your community, moderate as you see fit- but know that your not entitled to have everyone agree with you.
I say this every time the topic comes up, and I’m always downvoted for it but here goes again:
YouTube is going to do this suit because YouTube CAN do this shit. It’s their company. They can enshitify it as much as they’d like. And they WILL enshitify it as much as they like as long as people continue to use it.
How long have they been in existence now? 18-19 years? And with every year they gets worse and worse, while growing bigger and bigger. Why do you think that is?
Could it be because they know that although everyone will bitch about them, complain about them, and write scathing tech articles about them- people will still gobble their shit up regardless.
Don’t like what YouTube is doing? Maybe think about not using it. Because as long as you’re participating- either by creating content or viewing it- you are a big part of the reason they’re getting away with doing this shit.
Downvote away.
LOL… you’re not doing yourself any favors by insulting the people accusing you of power tripping.
For the record: removing comments that violate no rules just for simply disagreeing with a post- without giving reason for each removal, and then updating the post with flimsy reasoning for removal is by definition- BAD MODERATING.
And If you can still find yourself defending your decision to silence people simply for disagreeing with your point- you have no business being a moderator.
I saw that post in my feed and scrolled through all the deleted comments. Checked the modlogs to see what was removed and immediately thought- yeah, that post will end up here.
PTB for sure.
At the end of the day, we’d all be better off if everyone just never used it again, because as long as people put up with what they do- the more they’ll do it.