Did’n I just tell you to stop makin’ up animals?
Did’n I just tell you to stop makin’ up animals?
They bought a cybertruck. Are they really innocent?
During signup, they make it sound like it’s a federated service. It is not. Dumped it when it was explained to me.
You can set up a simple, dumb thermostat in parallel, to act as a failsafe. Set it 5 degrees below your lowest heat setpoint, and even if your server crashes, it doesn’t let your house freeze.
That is correct. The National Guard is (part of) the militia, not the military. 10 USC 246.
The Military consists of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and now the Space Force. The “Armed Services” includes the above, plus the Coast Guard and the National Guard.
The National Guard consists of state-level units operating under the authority of the state’s governor. They can be called forth to federal service. They could, arguably, be considered part of the military when called forth. But generally speaking, no, the National Guard is not a component of the military.
Sorry, you don’t get to post a piece that implies the fault is on the controller, and then argue that it is “extremely premature” to make any other conclusion.
Why is anyone even talking about the controller?
The controller asked the helicopter pilot if they had the jet in sight. The helicopter pilot said yes, and the helicopter pilot requested permission to maintain visual separation from the traffic. The controller granted that permission. The controller continued to monitor, and again asked the helicopter pilot if they had the jet in sight. The helicopter pilot again informed them that they did, and again requested to maintain their own, visual separation.
Responsibility for this collision is on the helicopter pilot, not the controller.
Try Briar.
It’s much more reassuring knowing your armed forces, the people with the big guns, are your neighbors, rather than strangers with a particular ideology or biased loyalties.
How about compulsory national guard service?
It takes a couple of months to train a new recruit.
Longer. Basic Training is 8 to 13 weeks, and only prepares a recruit for immediate entry into a tech school. They need several additional months in a tech school before they are qualified to deploy.
If you want the general populace to have training in some particular skill by the time they are adults, you need to talk to the Department of Education, not the military.
With that in mind: The overwhelming majority of manpower requirements in any military operation are associated with support, not combat. More vocational focus in high school, especially on the machining and construction trades, will ensure a large pool of people with the knowledge and skills that will be needed most.
The internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
I have spent about 45 seconds studying the Uberlingen case, so I don’t know much about it at all. From what I quickly gathered, the ATC cleared both aircraft to the same altitude and an intersecting course, and didn’t realize their mistake. That didn’t happen here.
I did not hear communication from the helicopter, but that’s not unusual: LiveATC recordings often miss traffic from aircraft in certain situations. Based on the controller’s transmissions, I have every reason to believe the controller was in 2-way communication with the helicopter.
The controller asked if the helicopter had the CRJ in sight. The next transmission asked the helicopter to maintain visual separation. This command would only be given if the helicopter had reported the CRJ in sight.
This wasn’t an oversight; the ATC’s statements indicate they were aware of the conflict and were taking steps to remediate it. That doesn’t mean their steps were right; that doesn’t mean their steps were wrong. It only means that the radio transmissions indicate the controller was aware of the situation prior to the collision.
I’m quite certain that is the Pareto Principle.
Runways are numbered by their magnetic compass orientation. Runway 33 is a runway oriented on a 330 heading (325 to 335 magnetic). Runway 1 is a runway oriented on a 10 degree heading (5 to 15 magnetic)
Based on the ADS-B track and the tower comms, the CRJ in question was on final approach to runway 33. Another aircraft in the distance was on a long final to runway 1. I think the helicopter pilot saw the distant aircraft on approach to runway 1, and didn’t see the CRJ on approach for runway 33.
Night vision goggles might narrow the pilot’s field of view, which might have kept them from seeing the aircraft high and to their left. They probably stopped looking for traffic once they saw the distant aircraft they thought that ATC was talking about.
The CRJ probably wouldn’t have been able to see the helicopter low and to their right.
I don’t see why the controller allowed the helicopter into the approach path at all.
I’d guess the military helicopter didn’t have a TCAS transmitter on
TCAS warnings are inhibited below 1000AGL. This collision occurred between 200 and 300’ AGL.
Based on the tower communication I listened to, it seemed most traffic was landing on runway 1 (A runway running south to north, oriented along a bearing of 10 degrees). The CRJ was instructed to land on runway 33 (A runway running from southeast to northwest, oriented along a bearing of 330 degrees). The winds favored runway 33, but runway 1 was longer. The initial approach path for both runways roughly followed the river from the south, with runway 1 traffic forking to the west, and runway 33 traffic forking to the east, before turning toward their respective runways.
The helicopter approached from the north, and turned toward the east, following the river.
The tower controller asked if the helicopter had the CRJ in sight. ATC subsequently instructed the helicopter pilot to maintain visual separation with, and to turn behind the CRJ. ATC knew they were getting close to eachother, but this isn’t necessarily a problem if the pilots are capable of maintaining their own separation.
I believe what happened is that the helicopter pilot saw a distant aircraft far ahead of their flight path, lined up for runway 1, and assumed that was the aircraft the controller was talking about. The CRJ was off to the left and well above the helicopter, lined up with runway 33. The pilot was maintaining separation with the distant aircraft, and did not see the nearby aircraft.
Abortion is 7/3/1 on referenda since Roe was overturned. IMO, the contemptible fuckwits you’re talking about aren’t worth dragging into our little hypothetical.
Why do you think Trump is doing so much outlandish bullshit right now? He’s trying to distract everyone from the revolution.
No, dude, that’s a pedophile.