Fucking finally
Fucking finally
The way that glassware feels when it first comes out of the dishwasher and you’ve just washed your hands.
If this is a hard / full system freeze, there will be nothing you can do because the system has fully locked up. Test whether or not this is the case by pressing CapsLock and seeing if the status indicator light changes states.
Freezing like you describe is often a hardware issue, I recommend that you start by testing your RAM with Memtest86
Fibers snagging on a chewed or broken nail
I understand and respect your preference.
A “power user” is typically going to go through the UEFI/BIOS settings immediately after assembling their machine to configure them to their liking. Having that preference, you likely fall within that category. I would add that, at this point, this practice is about 6 generations old at this point and in use by most motherboard vendors.
As the article mentions, the feature could be considered useful. These products aren’t designed specifically for power users. Having network access and a frictionless path to driver deployment is ultimately beneficial to the majority of consumers who are going to interact with this hardware.
I’m quite happy to install it, disable its startup background functions, and then use it to install / update drivers periodically. Much less tedious than doing it the manual way, especially when managing 10-20 systems per week.
There’s a bunch of other potential functions but I simply don’t bother with them.
It’s for the more novice users who can assemble a PC but don’t ever think go download / install drivers afterwards.
Most of the motherboard OEMs do this. I get a lot fewer tickets where the root cause of the issue can be boiled down to “never installed drivers afterwards installing Windows”, which is also helped by the fact that many drivers are also served through Windows Update.
automatically reinstall
The user is prompted to install the application.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Hush
The writing for this silent episode is just wonderful, and the whole cast’s chemistry really shines in their non-verbal acting
Not a mycologist, but those do look like Psilocybe Cyaanescens / Wavy Caps to me.
One of the defining traits of Pailocybin mushrooms is that they bruise blue where touched / handled / damaged, but that doesn’t seem evident in these pictures.
They side they roll out of, evidently
Third party apps don’t have the ability to back up in the background all the time the way the native Photos / iCloud experience does. They need to be periodically opened to have temporary background access.
Launching the third party camera app cannot be done from the lockscreen.
What you’re not understanding is the entire point of folks’ complaints. With arbitrary restrictions put in place by Apple, there cannot be full parity in functionality between Apple’s native apps / cloud experience and those that can delivered by third party apps. While it’s possible to use third party apps, there are a bunch of little quirks and inconveniences that will ultimately drive the user back towards the native apps and spending money on Apple’s cloud service.
except you can, by plugging it into a computer locally
That’s not even remotely close to being the same as the experience iCloud offers.
Both, three rotations after the threads catch.
One or none bears the risk of the connector coming out crooked and bending the pins, causing a potential alignment issue on the next connection and bending them further.
Notice that it’s never people who have the mouse complaining about the port location.
A brief 1-2 minute charge nets you hours of use, it’s really not a big deal.
deleted by creator
The screenshot for the article depicts the copilot key on the “context menu” key
Is there any way to find out whether it supports SSD storage?
Have a look at the notch in the slot. SSDs will have either M key, B+M key, or very rarely just B key.
WiFi modules are A, E, or A+E
France too
Mainstream supermarkets have adult sized DBZ briefs, there are still little coin-op machines that dispense DBZ figurunies
… second paragraph of the article: