I was a medaled fencer years ago. I’m currently.picking it up again, and there is nothing quite like it. If there’s a local class near you, pick it up. It’s arguably the most fun combat sport there is.
How many fucking letters can I use? I’m sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.
I was a medaled fencer years ago. I’m currently.picking it up again, and there is nothing quite like it. If there’s a local class near you, pick it up. It’s arguably the most fun combat sport there is.
It’s the main reason I don’t care for 80s-00s east coast comics. It’s too hard to tell if they’re going for shock comedy or are actually as dumb as they’re telling us.
Sepparate utensils into three groups. Prep and baking tools should be near the largest counter space. Cooking tools should be near the stove. Single use tools should be near the curb.
I feel like the term has been bastardised away from what the literal words mean, being able to sense humor. So in that context, a good sense of humor would be a chill person who knows how to find absurdity in a situation rather than taking things seriously.
A fun person, in other words.
As for the more modern use, I would say someone who can make regular conversations and events entertaining, while avoiding low hanging fruit and what I consider lazy jokes, jokes based on discrimination and stereotypes.
Like, it’s not cool or nice to make sexist and racist jokes, but on a totally different level, it’s lazy joke writing. Wife bad Asian driving black criminal is hack shit that relies on ancient cliches for a punchline, and is generally missing very key parts to approach humor in exchange for getting white dudes in trucks to chuckle and say yeah.
So I don’t have a habit of playing terrible games, but I can say the worst games I’ve played are sneaky. They trick you into thinking they might have something going for them, only to never go anywhere or get better.
Husk is the first one that jumps out at me. It announces itself as a silent hill inspired horror game based on domestic violence themes. After three hours of painfully slow controls and enemies that don’t make any sense to the story, it just suddenly ends with a cliche, tacked on, “you’re the asshole here” monologed conclusion with no explanations whatsoever.
Another category of absolute butt-trash I’ve fallen for is games that appeal to edgy teenagers, and so have stellar reviews regardless of how they in fact suck shit.
Lust for darkness is a prime example. It’s a horror game with nothing remotely scary in it about a sex cult full of people with British accents in America who refer to themselves as cult members, and whose outrageous taboo sex acts are really just regular shit but they wear masks. It’s like a wet dream fantasy for a 13 year old incel. It’s not scary, it’s not clever, it’s not even just porn, and it’s most of all not fun.
A game that fits in both of these categories, that I played to completion just hoping I’d click with whatever coolaid the reviewers drank, was The Cat Lady. Reviews made it sound so deep and emotional, and it seemed like it was going somewhere for a minute, but at the end, it was just a cringefest hidden object sidescroller with weird voice acting that was targeted at angsty children who romantisize depression and death.
Years after leaving my negative steam reviews I still catch flak on occasion from superfans of these dogshit time sinks who have never read a book in their lives.
I have a 1600s Turkish rebel sword and scabbard with a pommel carved into a rooster head. I picked it up at a curio shop that was closing a few years ago and while I did some basic dating on it to make sure it’s not a reproduction, I really donot know much about it.
I have several fossils that are perticularly unique, but I’ve never seen that kind of thing on the show, so I don’t know if it would be worth it.
An antique shop had a four barrel pepperbox revolver from the 1860s that was sold as a non functioning novelty, and I cleaned it up and actually got it working again. I’d be interested if it has any value higher that the 150 it cost me.
Last option is a buffet, library table, dresser, and side table my great great grandparents got as a wedding gift. They’re made of tiger oak, stained in pitch and very heavy. They were locally made, and I’ve bumped into several pieces that are very similar, but they’re always falling apart. The set I have has never been out of use, and never needed repairs. The mirror on the buffet still has it’s original silver. The manufacturing stamp on the back says the guys name, the city, and 1904.
All of them in rotation, but lately Amputechture has been killing it for me. It was my most overlooked when I got into them a lifetime ago, and now I can’t get enough.
McBaise, Pâle Regard, Cass McCombs, Marcy Playground, and The Mars Volta.
I’ve been hitting “Hidden in the Sand” a good bit recently
I’m building a house by myself, so hopefully installing 800 sq feet of wood flooring so I can stop paying rent.
I use an add on called noscript. It’s a little scorched earth, but I hardly notice it now that it’s set up.
So I’d cut Google out entirely for the last year or so, but I still haven’t found a good search engine. DDG has been my go to, but it’s not great, and this old style Google seems to be close to how things were before all search engines sucked ass. Do you have any recommendations for alternatives?
Not that I have one, or will ever update to W11, but like why?
I don’t know about samsungs, but Sony and any android or Google TV is a breeze to hack. Vizio and lg are a pain in the ass but they can be done, so I would assume someone smarter than me has figured it out and posted a tutorial
Yeah it’s a good thing homework doesn’t exist.
Seems like something along the lines of “everything is hopeless so don’t bother trying.”
You’re supposed to vaguely imply the existence of those, not just give away secrets in public bruh
It replaces paying for Spotify because its possible to download Spotify premium. Best of both worlds. Use Spotify or YouTube to find stuff, send it to a seedbox, load it later at home.
Biggest downside is most phones don’t have SD card slots anymore.
Sent from my (slightly salty) hacked pixel 7
A USB cable?