We make double trouble here. Double bubble is too tame
We make double trouble here. Double bubble is too tame
Americans did not. An orange fascist, who Americans also did not ask for, did
Guess maybe 30GB of files in an avg of 10MB bites is a chore
How large a library can it handle? I’ve had two others similar but they parsed files so slowly as to be ultimately useless
Be a great place for some RPG practice
Love is all you need
Of course they will.
Stick that seig arm out and well break more,k?
Very touching. Touching also begins in the hand
Contraception begins in the hand
His heart is in the right place but money has twisted his mind so much his heart had to go along with it to survive
I’ve been “owed” $25 by a now defunct telco for 40 years. Have had no luck getting it since all my own personal info has been changed half a dozen times over those years
Its good to destress sometimes
Ask yourself what a cow ever did to you and compare the two
Sure thing, enlarge that target on your backs idiots
Greed knows no limits where tech is concerned
A lifesized model should be the next version
Shouldnt even dignify the orange moron with an answer
Hate for his employees to suffer for his shitty actions but there it is