I personally downvoted it because it’s a terrible idea, op wants to leave the US, not sign their life and soul away to it.
I personally downvoted it because it’s a terrible idea, op wants to leave the US, not sign their life and soul away to it.
Thanks, I hadn’t scrolled down far enough.
without researching one of your own.
Lmfao, says the person defending nazi defenders…
But hey, whatever makes you feel better about your shit take, sockpuppet person who created a throwaway account solely to defend nazi defenders, which is much worse, but as you please…😂
Lmfao, I never thought I’d ever agree with that mod team, if anything, yours is the kind of shit take they usually lap up 😂
I don’t know what the acronym to indicate you’re in the wrong is, but setting up a sock account for the sole purpose of defending a, at very least, nazi defender and profiteer, makes you the asshole (that mod team is too in general, but I can’t fault them for deleting your reply).
He just couldn’t contain his enthusiasm… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This gave me a good chuckle, thanks 😂
He ends that last reply with “no more spending taxpayer dollars, that era is over!” which is a pretty good indication that there very much is politics to it (so I agree with you, but also he isn’t even trying to hide it, so I don’t see him trying to defend himself by pretending he doesn’t support their politics)
This was 20-25 years ago, I don’t think it matters anymore, but I appreciate the sentiment lol
I somehow managed to get through to a radio show that was having a giveaway, and answered their question correctly. I won tickets to a concert, and a load of their sponsor’s merch. I was still young, but even then I knew my luck was shit, so I was really excited even though I didn’t like the band I was going to see lol
Didn’t matter.
The tickets arrived the day after the concert had happened, and the merch was all either factory seconds or used (so all slightly damaged in some way - a stain, an undone seam, a broken clasp). I tried calling to let them know, but all they did was send another load of damaged merch.
Off the top of my head, that’s the one and only thing I’ve ever won.
I really do have shit luck lol
Lmfao, you seriously underestimate the cognitive dissonance it takes to function at that level. If anything, he’s probably even more convinced that he is the saviour of humanity than some random business owner.
The rich love convincing themselves (and the general population) that the working class and therefore society at large depends entirely on them and on their gracious “job creating” generosity to not only survive, but exist.
In reality it is the exact opposite that is true - without the workers to exploit, they are nothing, and if the workers of the world unite, we can get rid of them, and their oppressive systems, for good.
Imagine the shock and awe they would experience when that finally happens.
Cool post, but the only thing going through my mind as soon as I read the title was this 😂
pEOpLe rEFuSINg To bE aROunD NAzIs aRe the ONeS whO crEAte ThE reAL hOSTILitY 🙄
…and boiling them to death with their combined body heat.
I’m just going to leave this here
Hey look you were confronted with evidence
Lol, where?
The mod logs of some user you don’t like don’t prove anything lmfao
Cope harder.
Any evidence to back your wild claims, or…?
So that’s a no then.
Shocking 😂
Lmfao, wow, the Musk defence, impressive… 😂
Any evidence to back your wild claims, or…?
Obligatory “they lack the warmth and depth…”