Sure was and it’s fantastic. They redid the controls to a more modern set up too
Sure was and it’s fantastic. They redid the controls to a more modern set up too
When i was probably 4 or 5 i had a reocurring nightmare i was walking down the street to my friend jeff’s house and the sky suddenly turned stormy and red and giant house sized rabbits started chasing me.
Yeah, probably right unfortunately
I totally agree, it is getting better though. I’m trying to keep in mind that it’s only been a couple weeks. new communities take time to grow. i think a big issue with lemmy is there’s so many options so there’s competition between communities for content but there just aren’t enough users to go around. it’ll get there though. one thing i do like though is that i’ve been getting more quality engagement on posts and comments i make. i’m not feeling attacked by replies or seeing pointless comments like “this!”, ya know?
yes, but only for specific content. my city and state have a very active subs that just hasn’t really taken off on Lemmy yet. there’s a lot of news from both that i can’t get anywhere else. similarly i’m pretty active on r/dmacademy and there just isn’t a community on lemmy that i’ve found that is similar yet. i think when those communities take off here i’ll finally cut the cord on reddit.
Shit i dunno, everyone dying the same instant doesnt sound so bad. Quick and painless is certainly better than the options most of us face ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I would really like to meet someone who unironically likes that movie though.
Yes! Sheetar! That movie was a trip. There were so many odd choices, like wtf was up with the guy who is 100% puppet always sitting at the diner. I actually really like that band in the caveman getups at the end though and tracked them down. It’s a guy name Dino Lee and he bills him self as “the king of white trash”. I could only find one or two videos of them performing live and one record i picked up on diacogs for like $3.
Wife and i both work full time with a 3 year old and my wife is currently also going to school as well. Basically clean as we cook in the kitchen, one of us pick up the toys while the other puts her to bed. Pretty much everything else gets sidelined until it absolutely needs to be clean. We have a roomba that vacuums, but other than that the floors dont get cleaned until one of absolutely cant stand them. Bathrooms get deep cleaned only when people are coming over. Windows get washed once or twice a year. Basically, weve adapted to mess in a way that’s tolerable to the both of us in order to enjoy the little free time we have. I think the best thing we’ve done is not holding messes against each other. I’ll tell her tlthat im not doing dishes tonight but ill get yhem tomorrow. If she decides to do them, thats her decision. If she says she’s not doing laundry, cool, ill do it if i need something. Im absolutely fine living in qrinkly clothes that came straight out of the hamper. Communication is absolutely key to not losing your mind.
Aw bummer that link doesnt work.
I like finding obscure media and curating playlists out of them. Weird old commercials, music videos, tv spots, instructional/training videos, short films and animation, old tv shows.
I’ve always wanted to do this mut know nothing about electriconis. Do you have any good resources to get into it?
I always dreaded the idea of living in the suburbs, but over covid we needed to move and i’m so glad we moved to our city. it’s an older first tier suburb so there’s a lot of diversity here. there’s an African market down the street and a Mexican bodega in the other direction. There’s tons of spots that are locally owned, the sorta places you wouldn’t find further out in the burbs where everything is a chain. We’re also only about a 10 minute drive from our old house to so it’s easy to visit our old haunts from time to time.
Hold my beer, Imma try something