The restrictions only apply to “sensitive” countries, not all countries with large Muslim populations.
Saudi Arabia is on the list according to HRW https://www.hrw.org/report/2018/09/10/eradicating-ideological-viruses/chinas-campaign-repression-against-xinjiangs
I mean, how could those restrictive laws have passed in the first place if most people in the region were against them?
The answer to this is very obvious, is it not? Xinjiang is part of China, and as such Xinjiangese law is subject to Chinese law
But besides that, Uyghurs are not an outright majority of the population of Xinjiang. The Xinjiang government absolutely could - hypothetically - pass laws that every Uyghur opposes and retain majority support.
They have an entire section of the website dedicated to Palestine. The button is right there at the top. They published two articles about it yesterday. This is the most ridiculous whataboutery I have ever seen
HRW’s job is to investigate human rights abuses. Their job is not to only report on well-documented human rights abuses. They investigate to improve the documentation of those cases.