I think it’s a good idea, everyone should be automating this anyway.
This is still not possible in all scenarios. For example, wildcard certificates for DNS providers with no API support.
I think it’s a good idea, everyone should be automating this anyway.
This is still not possible in all scenarios. For example, wildcard certificates for DNS providers with no API support.
Self hosting is a viable option, if not difficult. This is also an opportunity to start Canadian-oriented services.
Try AliExpress. It has all the same Chinese garbage, but at half the price.
I already stopped buying from Amazon. You can buy exactly the same Chinese crap from AliExpress for half the price. Bonus points for not funding Bezos’ attempts to undermine democracy in our own backyard. Just gotta be a bit more patient, but that’s an easy price to pay.
I think it’s safe to say that intent is what matters, not the technicality of communicating that intent. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intention
This opinion is so backwards, it’s actually impressive.
The purpose of a locked boot system is to control what the device does as much as possible, which intentionally, or incidentally (it makes no difference) means the manufacturer and only the manufacturer gets to decide how much privacy they get to invade.
Get real.
It’s a tech demo. It’s not made to be practical. It is made to spur the imagination.
You say that like it’s everyone else’s job to do that. So long as you (and by extension everyone else) carry that attitude, nothing is going to change.
I feel like the very situation you lament is caused precisely because of people with your attitude who basically just roll over and give up on making this country better. I have no sympathy for apathy.
Touch grass. No really. There’s an ultra high def Instagram for free, for real. /outdoors
Tobacco company selling cigarettes to kids. More at 11.
Any recommended firewall block lists (or allow lists) for Roku?
There is enough in the bill to criticize its effectiveness towards its intended purposes, without having to resort to conspiracy theories about ethnic cleansing.
Globalization is a real threat towards cultural diversity, be it French or any other language and culture. You are a repugnant asshat if you can’t even agree to that and instead have to focus your argument on racist rhetoric.
everybody else, whether influencer or consumer, get fucked over in the process.
Enshittification correctly defined.
aren’t they pretty staunch bloc supporters rather than lib or con
Pretty easy choice these days
The scientific process derives consensus from not observing what is expected in a theory, rather from repeated failure to observe counter examples to what is expected. This is the whole point of “reject the null hypothesis”.
Stated more plainly, a scientific theory is solidified when you put yourself in the shoes of your own fiercest critics, and attempt to question your own idea (in good faith) and fail to observe any evidence to substantiate that criticism. A scientific theory, is then put under that scrutiny for real, and gains consensus when others fail to observe any counter examples for themselves.
So to answer “what to look at”, the answer is always, what would your competition look at to try to disprove you? Then look at that, to see if there is anything of substance to discredit your own idea, and save everyone the time and your embarrassment in case there are easy counter examples.
All this convenience in tech. We never stopped to ask ourselves what we were giving up. Add protest to the list of sacrifices to the altar of affluence.
Information is not truth. A do or die slogan for the 21st century.
No, no, you are supposed to eat the glue.
“So what do you do for fun?”
If that’s too direct, just mention something fun you did recently and let them decide to respond in kind. If they don’t open up to you like that in the slightest, after you open up to them in such a small way, then you should just take the hint and go talk to someone else.