A lot of those check boxes seem pretty arbitrary and open to interpretation
A lot of those check boxes seem pretty arbitrary and open to interpretation
I like writing documentation for processes at work. I always aim it at the “I’m familiar with the tools but haven’t done this before” person. I always include examples of the actual commands because it is one thing to describe a command but when you see it it makes FAR more sense.
So we’ve gone from banning books to banning apps.
could face up to 20 years in jail, a million dollar fine, or both.
So I’d get less for stabbing someone.
Good advice. Same with real estate. There are all sorts of laws in target nations you’d never expect. For instance, some nations will tax your money hard if you try to leave them.
Transfer your money to an overseas bank in your target nation.
I just had the phonics monkey
Read about the Weimar government, the economic crash, the street battles and the Freikorps, etc. Btw they targeted Jews and Communists first.
Ah yes, mob “justice” always works so well.
The Nazis started under MUCH different circumstances. Also constantly comparing everyone and everything to “Nazis” makes you sound hysterical.
Best quote:
“To Geuter, a computer scientist who has been writing about the social, political, and structural impact of tech for two decades, AI is the “most aggressive” example of “technologies that are not done ‘for us’ but ‘to us.’””
I stock up when I see them at a reasonable price. They’ll last a few weeks.
The Time Cube so I could rebuild society.
Even better version: https://web.archive.org/web/20120224094852/http://www.timecube.com/
When the internet was still young I entered an online drawing to win a vacation on a travel website. I never really thought much of it. One day I decided to answer the phone even though we got lots of telemarketers. The woman was from the travel company and said I’d won a rafting trip in CO and that this had been their third and final attempt to reach me. It was totally legit, they paid for the flight, rafting trip and rental car. Due to low river levels the trip was moved to the San Juan river in UT though. It was an awesome trip. We even paid some extra to keep the rental car longer to add some extra sightseeing days to the trip.
Not speaking up for my wants and needs. Being a “soldier” and sucking everything up just creates resentment and gives the other person the mistaken assumption that you are ok with everything. It is ok to say “I don’t agree” or “I don’t like this” as long as you do it respectfully.
The worst part of mental issues is the part of your body that needs to be fixed is the part that isn’t working right and is the part that is supposed to make decisions.
For a few years after college I swear I was in some sort of depression. I barely remember anything from those years and my friend from then tells me about stuff I did that I have zero recollection of.
Mulva? Gipple? Deloris!
I don’t know who put the Panama canal and Greenland into his head
Seriously, it feels like he just crawled out of his basement full of bizarre obsessions.
Leave your phone at home.
They enlarged rt 3 near rt 95 in MA many years ago. It was getting backed up due to all of the people moving further out from Boston. I said “It will be full again in a few years.” Yup. It was moving well for a few years so everyone piled into that area because the commute was better and within a few years it was a traffic jam again.