I like those aspects of the universe too. I really enjoy when we get stories of “normal” people just trying to survive in such an insane hellscape of a galaxy. Great world building.
I like those aspects of the universe too. I really enjoy when we get stories of “normal” people just trying to survive in such an insane hellscape of a galaxy. Great world building.
Hey both are good mhm yes
It’s an actual picture from a porn shoot. In this context it’s more about the genders.
Uhhh I would strongly disagree with that being a mainstream belief
But then every 4 years there’s basically the risk of shit hitting the fan again. Any agreement or treaty or deal can be just dropped if the next guy doesn’t like it. Very little incentive for anyone to agree to anything in that case.
Is that your personality or just a fact about you?
I get your point is that you’ve learned not to do it, but yeah that idea is terrible from start to finish. I’m sorry you had to go through it either way
Unless you’re a walking flaming stereotype, nothing? Just don’t mention your boy/girlfriend
It’s obviously a joke based on his name lmao
I would agree that some of his businesses are doing well, but I would give more credit to the scientists and engineers making it happen. We found out shortly after the election that he had almost no involvement in SpaceX lately in fact.
He does get some credit for actually gathering those people and starting the companies sure, however all the insane things he’s done and is doing have really heavily undercut all of it for most people, myself included. I was a fan of his until he completely without evidence accused some diver of being a pedophile just because they didn’t want to use his awful “submersible” to rescue those Thai children years back.
Calm down Elon you’re a terrible liar
Yeah my bad I shouldn’t be single handedly propping up the biggest podcast in the world like that I really dropped the ball.
I haven’t watched it in years. I just think he has good conversations with real scientists. Cope harder and be useless.
I really enjoy when he has physicists on. That’s about it.
Hey look it’s the problem
You can be committed and firm on your issue without being a raging asshole about it at the same time. Most of the vegan communities I’ve come across don’t even talk about being vegan, it’s just finding more ways to shit on non vegans.
Nobody is forcing them to reply to a comment.
Plus, if they want more people to be vegan, then kinda yeah
But I thought that everything I read on the internet is true
But… manx isn’t a word in Spanish?
As someone who is the same height/ weight as Trump, cartoons like this are going a long way convincing me to try a lot harder to lose weight
Sure would’ve been nice to have that without fucking over everyone else at the same time