• 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2024


  • Speaking of traitors, imagine how confusing it must be to still be a Convite. I’m assuming they’ve trained themselves to think watching the CBC is treason, but I have hope a wee clip might pop someone’s culty filter bubble this week.

    - link to 2023 pressprogress article for anyone not from Canada scrolling like, wtf is a Convite? tl;dr: timbit taliban

    Right on that there’s absolutely no reason to trust Skippy. He’s the face of pay-to-play politics up here just like Trump is down south, and he’ll do as he’s told.

    As for Ford’s sudden Captain Canada act, the phrase “as far as you can throw him” comes to mind.

    "God bless the President and don’t get me wrong. Full disclosure: I’m a big Republican.” - literally DoFo

    “The people have spoken: we won’t touch the Greenbelt!” - also DoFo, 2018. And he said the same about rent control, and look what came of that.

    I LOVE the sentiment currently coming out of his usually filthy gob as much as the next person, and I’m not about to interrupt him, but his patriotism isn’t something anyone should rely on long term. He wants American-style “healthcare” here as much as Trump’s people do, he’d happily sell any one of us for a toonie, and he’s CAMPAIGNING in a snap election he called to get a Stronger Mandate (his words).

    (btw - I’m wearing that tacky Canada Is Not For Sale hat, and it does not imply support for any political party, no matter what Murdoch media pushes on us. It’s showing support for our country.)

  • Spot on. Project for a New American Century. Heritage Foundation. This situation didn’t suddenly start when the USA elected Trump the first time.

    These ghouls have plans, and Trump is the face of pay-to-play politics atm. Remove him and another evil belligerent twit gets tapped to take his place.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but getting stuck on these individual men and how they personally feel or what they really think about anything has become an online diversion as productive as my Bejeweled habit (and I highly suspect seeing the volume of commentary on it increases voter apathy).

    [edit to delete speechifying. apparently I have a lot of feelings]

  • This is all about migrants and drugs like their election was about eggs, Trump voters were just “economically anxious,” and non-voters cared so much about genocide in Palestine. Nonsense.

    That said, there’s good historical info in this link I didn’t know about, like:

    Trump used the International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977 (IEEPA) to apply the tariffs, marking the first time the law had been used to apply levies to countries.


    Trump threatened to apply broad tariffs to Mexico in 2019 over immigration issues, invoking IEEPA, but ultimately did not use them. Richard Nixon used a precursor to IEEPA, the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917, to briefly apply tariffs of 10 per cent on US trading partners.

    For anyone scrolling, read a more Canadian perspective about the impact of this trade war here.

  • Summary article from the cbc, if anyone doesn’t want to watch the whole thing: Trudeau hits back at the U.S. with big tariffs after Trump launches a trade war

    And NatPo are absolute trolls, looking to cause more division on exactly the day we don’t need it. They knew there was no answer for their questions, which could obviously wait til another day - they just wanted him/Canada to look weak or divided.

    Crap… We’re about to hear a whole lot of noise online about how divided we all are on this, aren’t we?

    Don’t believe the hype. The Murdoch media machine, the Brietbart, Rebel, Manning Centre, Twitter, Facebook, and bot army machine are all going to turn this into a story about internal division. Whatever story or Debate they push into your FEED, remember that you were 100% onside with your neighbours today.

    Just as well. We need to develop climate solutions fast and work on food security; healing our battered healthcare system… and that should be a lot easier without that troglodyte government dragging us backward with Christian Science and buying up our diabetes meds supply for cosmetic weightloss. Gonna be a rough go for awhile though.

  • He’s filed for refugee status, so now we have to run him through that whole process.

    As someone who works a lot with refugees, I’m not sure I can really express the rage I have that magats feel entitled to take up space in this specific system Canadians have put our collective dollars toward, especially when it’s all SO overburdened already. The idjit grinning as he explains to the reporter, “maybe I’ll be a refugee, might delete later, idk” when I know actual war resisters and people escaping torture in their home countries sleeping rough on a freezing cold night in the city? And this douche is snowboarding?

    I’m sure most Canadians would physically remove the man back to the USofA ourselves if we could. These people are obscene.

    Deplorable, even.

  • You made me think of my buddy from the states visiting me in Toronto 2010-ish laughing at the Canadian flags they sometimes saw flying from people’s houses and other buildings. I asked her what struck her so funny about them and she blanked for a second. She said, “It’s just weird seeing so many flags that aren’t American… Like, this is a country too… um.” We had a brilliant talk about flag-waving patriots for a bit, but seeing that glitch was really interesting and I’ve never forgotten it.

    That said, I had plenty of teachers growing up and know tonnes of educators now who’d totally be into forcing students to salute the Canadian flag and pledge allegiance to their God & Country every morning. The only thing stopping them is legislation preventing it, not national identity.