Pony Island
Pony Island
Whats your ICQ number?
Remove enterprise UPS battery backup system from home lab and use it to charge my hand held gaming consoles and phones. This was in Texas when ice storm knocked our power out for over a week
Rufus the OS image creation tool for windows?
It is called cold pasteurization, seen some things labeled as such before.
That will inturn lead to, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_irradiation
Same, was a pain to explain to new hires, cause we have a hybrid environment.
I never think before I speak. For you, I would make an exception.
Oh fuck please dont give them ideas
I swear I thought this was a NotTheOnion post. They are no longer more absurd than real news.
Looks amazing, but is also $48,000 USD for a very small car. I drive a 89 CRX so I do love small cars, just that is way too much.
What if we insert it and used a MRI machine to steer it at the speed of sound
I thought it was a good read and reminded me of the garbage I did at one time live through involving non-iphones
Sorry people are being mean on the internet, they may not be aware they dont have to consume all information that is posted in front of them.
Never buy digital from Sony, they are shit for consumer rights.
If you ever bought a movie on the PSP back in the day, you could only download the movie once, and had to rebuy to download it, even if you “Purchased” it
From https://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/psp/current/psn/store/purchase.html
I have games I bought on my PS3, and using the same account, those same games do not show on the PS4 and PS5, they want me to buy, even though I am using the same account.
Fuck Sony
Nah, more like people are tired of the “whataboutism”
If I recall correctly it was because of “Mars needs Moms” was such a dumpster fire they were afraid if would stain their movie if it has Mars in the name.
That would make raiding in WOW Classic feel more authentic
It is also the really easy to leave states. When my old company was taken over by new owners, a few years down the line someone was leaving to go work somewhere else. They gave their two weeks notice and was fired on the spot. Next guy that went to work elsewhere just quit without notice as they already knew they would not get their two weeks.
I thought it was funny. Also my upvote got you to -69
Stull here, but I mostly stay quite
I can tell you there already is one, supply shortages and all so we will be waiting awhile.