You’re welcome. 😀
You’re welcome. 😀
There is also a small town named Munster in the Lüneburg Heath region in Lower Saxony, about 250 km north east, where the armed forces have their largest training areas.
You’re right about the origin, but as there were monasterys all around Europe, there are a lot of places named after them: Münster, Munster, München (Munich), Monaco and others.
It’s the Münster im Westphalia, where 1648 the peace treaties ending the 30 Year’s War were signed and the (close by) Netherlands were recognised as a state. Flat landscape, sparesly populated for German standards, a lot of fields and meadows, and only few wood.
'* Munster in Alsace, France is about 600 km south from Münster in Westphalia, Germany. So ‘nearby’ is relative.
According to his Instagram profile, he lives in the Münsterland (Münster region). This narrows it down a bit more to the north-western part of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).
Annas’s archive, an archive of scientific research articles and books, might be affected as well. As the download is likely a peer to peer torrent type, it is good practice to let (at least 2) others participate by seeding while keeping the own footprint low, to avoid becoming a target of ‘anti piracy’ mafia. Setting the seed ratio to 2.1 in the torrent client does essentially this.
It’s about the current (threat?) of purging Wikipedia from articles not fitting into the MAGA mind, e.g. climate, gender, race and others, as well as ‘cleaning’ the inventory of public libraries accordingly.
During the Paleozoic–Mesozoic transition (c. 250 Ma), the ocean occupied almost 70% of Earth’s surface, with the supercontinent Pangaea taking up less than half.
No shit, Sherlock.
Can you recommend a better solution?
The last time I’ve used it, it well identified the addresses of the RAM blocks that were broken.
It’s either innocently ment to be funny or possibly has a legal backround.
Doesn’t The Linux Mint ISO also offer to run Memtest86+?
Otherwise: https://memtest.org/
Right above the TOC on their main GitHub page, not in the specific release notes above.
darktable is not a free Adobe® Lightroom® replacement.
13th ant 14th Debian testing and stable. By that logic, they should also have split e.g. Ubuntu in LTS (Noble), old LTS (Jammy), and the current intermediate version too.
Yes, you can:
If you beat the blood, it turns pink and becomes a stable foam - perfect for baking sponge cakes or meringues.
A few points to check:
section of the repos activated in the sources.list
package installed?dmesg
Obligatory hint to the hymn on Currywurst by Herbert Grönemeyer.
The LD50 is 367 mg/kg. I assume, they are heavier than 1 kg. A daily dosis of 400 mg (approximately 4 cups of coffee) is considered to be harmless for a 70 kg person (5.7 mg/kg). More than 1000 mg may result in caffeinism (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine#Overdose).
That funny and informative blog post was really worth reading.