Have you submitted a bug report?
Have you submitted a bug report?
TLDR: poor project management & bad security and stability even though it specifically promotes itself as stable. Here’s a video I think explains it pretty well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5KNK3e9ScPo&pp=ygURbWFuamFybyBsaW51eCBiYWQ%3D
What’s 2+2?
You can get remote controlles for lights and keep it on your bedside table
Milk in tea is only universal for English/Irish breakfast tea(idk how popular they are outside wester Europe but in England/Ireland if someon says tea they mean breakfast tea and will specify otherwise)for something like chai or eal grey 1/3~(anicdotally) of people who drink it wouldn’t have mik, and the milk isn’t hot it’s normally fridge-cold to room-temp the tea bag is steeped in just water, the point is to sweeten the rea and cool it down
It’s commonly used as a plot device in stories, and in my experience people will tell you about it as a way to “wake up” in the dream if you complain about nightmares and people I’ve spoken to IRL about it take it as accepted truth
I’d never heard of anyone else this happed to before! Less consequences for me but there was a ~4 year period of my life where at least once a week I’d have a dream wherei just got up and went through a normal day from 8:00 to like 11:00 or as late as like 16:00 sometimes. For example in the dream I would wake up, go to the gym, hang out with my friends as normal and then I would wake up and have to do the whole day again, but sometimes I thought the dream had been real and would brace myself to deal with leftover arguments or jobs from the dream
The only tell I ever noticed was that people were way meaner in the dream
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I’ll have to try that next time I’m lucid, never noticed(as far as I remember anyway)
Fat chance is a sarcastic phrase, so they don’t actually have the same literal meaning
System76 is a company that sells computers with a Linux OS pre-installed and made of hardware optimized to work especially with Linux(Linux will work on pretty much any hardware including apples). “Linux” in this context is a loosely defined colloquial term which refers to a large group of OS’s (the OS’s are also called Linux distributions/distros) which all use the same kernal component (this is the most important part of an OS) which is officially called the Linux Kernel. The actual OS’s can vary massively from one another POP_OS! is one of these Linux OS’s. You will have to pick a specific Linux distribution, which you can use to completly replace the current OS on any computer, including a MacBook, no virtual machine needed