What is the worst thing about Peru?
I’m guessing a lot of the people in these villages aren’t armed so these militias can just walk in and do this shit. I was reading M23 have weapons that look like IDF weaponry.
I hope the Americas link up together against this shit and Argentina
But of course! United States of Russia.
lmfao. After the Ruskies have started dismantling the U.S. due to their weird and unhinged obsession with the states, now they’re like “American buddies… get it touch.”
Absolutely Nobody*:
Reuters: “Trump feels”
Maybe it will finally uncover some rare earth
Lol you just reminded me of what my grams said to me about why the boomers suck…
me: grams why are your kids so messed up? grams: they were raised during the US’s peak golden age. they have no basis for actual reality.
May she rest in peace. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.
No arguments from me on China. They’re excellent at playing the long game. My elders are boomers and the greatest generation.
You’ve been downvoted but this is pretty much what my elders told me.
I love it for what I use it for which is research, speeding up scripting and code writing, resume building, paraphrashing stupidly long news articles, teaching me Spanish and Japanese, bypassing the bullshit that are what passes as search engines these days, and talking my anxiety down. They cut through the noise and boost my productivity.
I guess a lot of music and movies from a pirate site. I’d spend more time at the library listening to my music.
I’m reading about the Nicaraguan fascist takeover because I already know enough about WW2 that I wanted to extend from the data I already get. I recommend Victoria Gonzalez’s “Before the Revolution” -
My coworker said to me today that all the news outside of the US is calling us Nazi America and this goes hand in hand with my own international news reading experience in the last day. I think everyone is acknowledging how dumb we look and how it affects them?
This is a good trend. People are leaving Meta too. I’ve been encouraging people to cut ties and go decentralized or just go over to the one offs socials for now.
I feel like the content is becoming more robust and the userbase is keeping up. I think it’s going to be super necessary pretty soon down the road.
This is my experience with them as well. I guess we all suck when we get old.
Honestly, this was a helpful comment. And now I am super extra charged to vote Jimmy Gomez out.
Weird. Because his whole ideological construct resembles the whole Project Russia playbook.