Weirdly, super consistent with your image.
Weirdly, super consistent with your image.
Nope. Here’s what I got by asking for Quentin Blake
I mean, it’s a really cool image, I wonder if it would have been closer to what you wanted if you’d asked for it in the style of Quentin Blake?
Why are they unwearable?
Wow, well, fuck that guy … shame
I’m not involved at all, just saying that suddenly not being able to rebuild your family home could be quite devastating!
The number 14, seriously, it’s everywhere
Thanks, that’s a really clear and detailed explanation.
Still, though, on an individual basis, I’m not sure how I’d feel if my house had been burnt down and then the government said that I couldn’t rebuild it how it was before.
surely the problem with this idea is that each plot of land will still be individually owned, making dramatic changes to use and layout difficult? Or am I missing something about your idea?
He was being denied Health Coverage due to a pre-existing condition?
Huh, TIL, thanks
Or a vase of petunias and a blue whale skeleton?
Yeah, but ranked choice isn’t in operation, so you’ve got to make the better choice for right now.
Also, in that case Trump would be the better option. I would hope that in a scenario where the republicans had nominated Hitler that the democrats could do better than Trump but if they couldn’t, then yes, voting for Trump in that scenario would be r the right thing to do as voting for, say, Bernie Sanders I. that scenario would let, you know, Hitler become the President.
Yeah, but then, if, say 20% of voters in swing states voted third party, it would let the greater evil in, this being the very immoral choice.
Surely a more relevant measure is what can I do that will do the most good. Voting for someone who is better than the other realistic option, this keeping extremists out of power feels like a more moral option than making a pointless vote.
Apparently does. 🤞
Or just let them believe you to be a pizza genius. Start to give them pizza hits as and when they need them. Sell pizza in small baggies by the ounce. Make your fortune. Buy a yacht. sail the seas. Become a pirate. Find some gold. Share it among your crew. Realise later it’s cursed. Track down every last coin but one. Find the last one with some chick. Kidnap her. End up fighting an old foe. Die an old but very satiated pirate.
pretty good hands, though.