With a cloud you are depending on someone else to hold your property.
With a cloud you are depending on someone else to hold your property.
Yes, but computers are prone to failure, you are depending on a device to hold all your media. I’ve had backups and backups of backups, still losing things to failure. My books take up space, but they will be there unless my home burns down.
Yes you kind of “own” your ebook, but… The company that sold it to you can remove it legally form their listings, taking away your ability to download your book.
You can lose your back up, but you can also lose your book. It doesn’t change my feelings on the subject. There are physical copies of books that are hundreds of years old and still readable, I have some from the 50s that are in great condition. Take care of them and they will last.
Physical. You do not really own your digital book and you have to depend on a devise that can break/need charging to read.
That’s not what I said, I said those were the parts of the car that really need to be crafted to break for safety. Your interior, electronics, your transmission, engine, etc. Can be designed with repair in mind like older cars. Most new cars are a pain to repair and not because they need to be.
The body and the chassis are really the only parts that need to be built for the sake of breaking for safety. The other parts on the car do not need to be disposable, but for the most they are. The part placement and design are not engineered with repair in mind.
A new car lasts for about 6 years, needs upkeep like an old car, and has little if any resale value. You then buy a new car, using more materials many that are plastic and cannot be recycled. Even a electric car is not green, the batteries alone are a mess, not really recyclable and made of non-renewable resources. New cars are not meant to be re-used and repaired they are disposable like everything else in our society. What we should have as an environmental goal should be a dynamic public transportation, right to repair, and end our disposable ways.
You have to pay to self host, you have to pay for cloud storage. I am not going to pay to keep books, I buy books and put them on a shelf. I can pull one off and read it when ever I please, I don’t depend on any devices to read them, and I like it that way. This is how I feel.