You check who downvotes you? That’s cringe dude
You check who downvotes you? That’s cringe dude
Ya that’s fair,.crazy low sums people will do corrupt stuff for. If you’re going to be corrupt… At least get paid substantially for it. All this nonsense for stuff below like 200k is astonishing. I do hope Trump prosecutes the Democrats for that. At least some US federal politicians will see jail time 🤣 if the Trump admin doesn’t actually go after some of them well…
They are just supposed to be controlled opposition, sending the higher ups to prison might lead to an actual workers party. Which as we know based off the decades of stories of “trump stiffs contractors because he can” is questionable as an outcome Trump particularly cares for, his donors definitely wouldn’t be fans.
They can go that route. I don’t think the business leaders and federal politicians of the world realize how fragile their lives are. How easy it is to 3d print guns and have your tracks covered with enough planning. Personally, I highly doubt Luigi was the one that killed that CEO considering his ties to Pelosi. That is a very, very repeatable event. At scale. Especially if co-ordinated to split glowy resources.
Sounds like mossad blackmailed someone kek. Hai unit 8200 or whatever you’re called! Dumbfuckzzz
Classic GOP Gaslight Obstruct Project
You can’t make porn go away and trying to do that is… Well moronic if what you actually care about is children’s well being. Because to actually restrict it you would need to live in a garbage society. And our society is already garbage here damnit >>
That is a fair point. I’ve said it to numerous people talking about this subject: Americans are the most propaganda inundated people on the planet. There’s some quote about about how in China people know to not believe in the gov propaganda and here it’s just called the news lmao
Lmaooo. I forgot about Tom. Which shows how good of a tech founder he was. Memorable, but not in the headlines every other day.
Even having ceded control, they will go down in history as a legend. More positively viewed then the likes of… other social media founders.
Toxicity is relative. Cutting yourself off from people who are lashing out at others online is understandable… albeit you will be missing out on a lot of what the world has to offer doing that.
10/10 advice
Did you not read what I said? European heat waves are going to be getting exponentially worse. An exs dad’s new wife was from Australia,and lived with the Aborigines for 2 years with her 2 young kids. You know what she had to say at the end of it when she had to keep shit from poisoning her kids constantly, let alone everything else? It was brutal and she would never do it again.
If you think Euro society as a whole is going to take that adjustment well… Well, it’ll be better than Americans (looks at toilet paper fights during COVID), but at least Americans are going to have AC lulz. In regards to the life style thing, eh sure. Energy consumption bad. Know what else is bad? Not being able to fall asleep when you’re totally naked with the window open doing everything you can to fall asleep but can’t. Now think of how the shitters of society are going to cope with that.
Might wanna look into when certain temperature/climate condition begin impacting peoples mental health, then cross compare that to the moderate estimates for what Europe will look like in 10 years.
Also, “blue ocean event” is v relevant here. Is wild how fast all the icey stuff in the world is going bye bye, and what the implications are for future global heat intake once that albido effect from the ice stops reflecting all them sunrays. Thats the thing I don’t think a lotta folks realize when it comes to climate change… How fast it’s coming and how much it’s gonna fuck people
That’s pretty much a form of having AC… All these people saying otherwise clearly haven’t lived in an environment where it’s hot as shit. Hoo boy are all these folks going to realize how wrong they are when they discover what the wet bulb temperature is, and exactly how much energy humanity has put into our environment since the stert of the industrial revolution.
You say that now. Where do you live, Finland? :|
No one has ever offered you cocaine have they :|
I’ve seen a couple studies that concluded blonde white people were more resistant to frost bite. People with darker skin are probably gonna do better the closer to the equator you are sun burn and skin cancer wise. Asian people have the eyes that look more closed by default as it helps in environments that are more humid. All of those seem like super powers to me o.o tho yeah I don’t think you need to know your specific genetic makeup for any of that.
What is the real story?
nestle ceo about to get luigi’d but with his whole family, ala workers rights fights in america a century ago