Ti 99 4/a. Got it for Christmas
Ti 99 4/a. Got it for Christmas
Hardware and software combo… video toaster from Newtech
Absinthe and calvados are probably the most unusual here.
Rumpy Wumpy Trumpy Frumpy
With a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you
We took my Lightning on a 500 mile trip. Stopped twice to charge. Both times were at Walmarts (not my favorite but for charging stopes they work). We did a walk through the store, bio break, got something to drink, and charging complete. Even in a gas vehicle i have to get out every 2 hrs so it wasn’t a problem at all and it’s only going to get better.
Chevelle All Right I Get It
He’d… work well in a Tang commercial??? Not that Tang would have the asshat.
Awesome for the Amiga
I’m concerned if he’s jailed, the nutbags will revolt and we’ll have a civil war. If he dies of natural causes, there’s a slim chance of avoiding that. The next challenge will be who the greater wack job is going to be looking to replace Trump
California Wasted - Toad The Wet Sprocket.