I challenge Karl, King of Ducks, for his crown.
I challenge Karl, King of Ducks, for his crown.
I would question your friend on what they are drinking and where.
The easiest to find Australian beer in the US is Fosters. But go to Australia and few people there actually drink it because it’s not good and there are so many better options.
I once traveled to the UK and had a Newcastle Brown straight from the tap and it was delicious. Went back home to the US and picked up some bottles, it was old and tasted like barely a shadow of the fresh UK stuff.
If I judged Australia or UK beers on what I can find easily in the US, I would also think their beers are ass.
So if he is trying only what he can get in his country, 1) it’s probably old and 2) it’s rarely the “best” a country has to offer.
I have read about 2,000 pages on ebook so far this year, which is an average month for me. And I listened to about 20 hours by audiobook. I do count audiobooks, and I listened to less in January than average.
Split is about 75/25 fiction/nonfiction.
I hold zero affection for physical books. Less than zero even. I’ve moved too many times. I have maybe 50lbs of textbooks, high school year books, and reference books for hobbies and that’s it. I would have to be ready to settle into a home for the rest of my life before I could bring myself to buy physical books, and I’m still way too restless for that.
Enjoy your pulp books! I hope they’re good, even if “so bad and cheesy, they’re good”.
8-12. They are were inexpensive, versatile protein.
About a week. There was a very early season snowstorm. Deciduous trees still had leaves and caught a lot of snow. The weight broke limbs which took down power lines everywhere. In older neighborhoods with above ground lines and mature oak trees, nearly every line and every house had to have crews working them.
And I think you’re wrong, lol. Point and match.
Edit: your edit to earlier comment, now you acknowledge different philosophies on morality. You’re too much, man. Primo trolling 😂🍻
My friend, I am really trying not to be condescending but you seem to be struggling to comprehend what I am saying. Your own definition supports me.
“What people think is good and bad” is exactly my point. What I think as an ex-christian in Eastern United States, born in the decade in which I was born, experiencing all I have experienced, all influences what I believe to be right or wrong in OPs scenario.
A person on the other side of the world from a different culture, different religion, a different demographic, different political experiences, may have an entirely different view on right or wrong here.
Different people think different things and philosophers have debated what this means about morality since before Plato in 400 BCE.
Agreed, I would personally have more issues with the situation if there are kids involved. An amicable divorce and full engagement from both parents in a shared parenting plan would be way better for the kids than staying together nominally and having outside relationships, IMO.
To the “is it moral” question, I would start edging to “no” if I thought the kids were being harmed in any way.
Counterpoint: see similar IRL fuckwits in Texas progressing their similarly stupid agenda. Do not discount the fuckwits simply because they seem small in number and influence today.
My friend, you don’t know what you don’t know.
Websearch “is morality a human construct” and have your awareness opened to literally thousands of years of philosophical discourse.
Experience life outside your bubble and learn that what is “right” in one community is taboo in another.
Right and wrong against what framework? I gave an example of one community that would think this is wrong while another doesn’t.
And I said established principles, not rules, just in case you mistook that I was talking about legality.
I don’t know who OP is, so if they’re, idk, a conservative Muslim in Pakistan, I would not have the appropriate context to say what is moral or not in their community. I can only say what would be considered immoral within my own and why.
If you want to jump all the way down the rabbit hole into Plato, Kant, and Nietzsche, I’ll defer as those arguments tend to deteriorate quickly on the internet and it’s not what OP is looking for.
Morality is about your community’s established principles.
I grew up in a Christian community where it absolutely would be considered immoral. I am no longer Christian, and am in a community that is tolerable of far more types of relationships. This situation would probably still quirk some eyebrows, but generally if everyone involved (husband, wife, you in this case) are all informed and consent to the situation, then it wouldn’t be considered immoral.
Ha, I like your optimism that anti-abortion/anti-womens bodily autonomy types wouldn’t immediately try to start controlling the unfertile eggs. Plenty of them think contraceptives are evil after all, which is equivalent to discarding infertile eggs before they get fertilized.
We would see efforts to track women’s egg laying cycles and criminalize discarding them within the period they can still be fertilized. (See IRL Indiana attempting to make individual abortion reports public instead of as anonymized, aggregate data for studies).
Not sure I’ve noticed this one. As in a singular woman is called “women” or people dance around calling a woman “women” or say lady or female or something other than “woman”?
I’ve seen people uncomfortable with saying “woman” for some reason, but haven’t noticed if the same people say “women” or not.
I think it’s absolutely wild how archaic some systems are. And the worst offenders are those regulated by financial and medical industry laws. I have an account with one financial account that is protected only by password that is 12 characters max with special characters limited to just a few. I don’t know how they haven’t been breached and then sued into oblivion.
I’m fine with companies enforcing 2FA. Bitwarden is addressing the current weakest link in the chain: users.
All of them
Mike Flanagan was at one point signed up with Netflix to do a TV series adaptation of the Something is Killing the Children comics. It fell through. I want to see that series happen, very free reign to Flanagan with just a little bit of reeling in his long monologues.
Sure, until I read it’s a synonym for “pecker smoocher”. Difficult for me to explain that one away.
Pressing the crosswalk button over and over will make the light change faster.