I use iCloud as I’m in deep with the Apple ecosystem but opened Tuta and have been happy with it so far!
Not useless as such but a wallpaper app or something that expects you to pay £5.99 a month to use. Fuck all the way off with that
Really interesting guy, I watch his stuff on BBC Scotland when it is on (I think it’s the Beeb). Yeah no thanks though, bears are terrifying.
Slight tangent but I have never until recent days considered social media companies to be American. I know on reflection they are but as a Scot I had used FB, Twitter and Insta for years without ever thinking they were American social media, just social media cos all my friends and family were there.
I’ve only retained Insta now, all else is Fedi. At the very least ban until age 16.
I stopped buying Nike after I heard that they responsored Michael Vick after he was found guilty of hosting a dog fighting ring and killing the dogs himself. Was years ago and still refuse
Opened a Tuta account six months ago and have never been back on Protonmail as a result. Same quality for free.
Had a wee look around and it’s a good idea s an open source alternative to IMdb but I couldn’t find a way to filter the language to English or Spanish, the vast majority were in Chinese by the looks of it which I don’t speak.
Sister and I ran across the road in winter when we were kids and slipped on the pavement ice, both going arse over elbow in a very comical cartoon slip in time with each other.
In our heads it was like synchronized swimming, but falling
Representing Scotland here with suggestions of Billy Connolly and Kevin Bridges.
Reddit changed the API which meant that any popular third party apps were going to have the pay thousands or even millions to Reddit just to access it.
Third party apps like Boost, Apollo etc all left the platform but some devs created apps for Lemmy instead which gave people the experience they were used to. Reddit official app is full of ads and you can’t download half the stuff you want.
Not American but aware of it as much of the world is. I’d guess they have military facilities doing some research and development there but anything truly wild will be done somewhere else, probably Alaska or another desert location.
With all the eyes on it all the time probably not got anything really juicy there.
5’11’ here too and was accused of lying about it. I was like ‘wouldn’t I just say six feet if I was lying’ plus anyone could disprove it with a tape measure so what’s the point.
Plastic tree but looks super real. I live near a Christmas tree farm that seems to do pretty well but I’ve never been in anyone’s house that actually has a real one.
Do you mean on phones? Windows? Macs? Watches?
I like Merlin on iOS cos it identifies birds by their calls.
…go on…