No; dicks usually go in an oscilating or pendulous motion, while I simply go down.
Please, I have exactly two brain cells to rub together and I can’t have either of them to getting distracted.
No; dicks usually go in an oscilating or pendulous motion, while I simply go down.
Because I felt my wisdom teeth get pulled, and because I identify as a problem.
New CAPCHA just dropped.
Thank you.
Original article is overwhelmingly whimsical and lacks hyperlinks for far too much of the body.
A slim beater knife like the Buck 722 Spitfire (had mine for almost a decade).
multi-chambered pill fob; bulk caffeine pills.
A quality water bottle.
Bamboo sheets (soft, smooth, anti-static)
Basic: we want to ensure everyone drinks pumpkin spice White Claws, has a pH of at least 7.1, or is basically healthy. Their choice.
First you do Universal Pet Health, which you push by just talking about how good it would be for dogs and ranch families.
Then you talk about how silly it is that we have UPH, but not UBH, especially when UBH would help with our nation’s combat readiness.
USB-A walked so USB-C could fly.
I feel like people could benefit from what I know about Butt Stuff™.
Secrecy under pain of death.
I am not at liberty to elaborate.
Paint.net is nice because it has plugin support.
Too heavy, too integrated into the design. Might as well worry about people stealing your transmission or rack & pinion (TFW: that’s what your car uses to translate ‘turning the wheel’ into turning the wheels).
You may want to take this opportunity to educate your children on the relationships between lifestyle choices, old age, atrophy, and death, but also to ensure they understand that who they see is not who he was.