Just you wait till you see the arr stack (radarr, sonarr, lidarr, etc.)
Just you wait till you see the arr stack (radarr, sonarr, lidarr, etc.)
Du dumpede = You failed the exam.
It’s very specific to failing an exam/inspection etc.
Denmark to US. I did walkman and cassette deck repairs before Covid. It was possible to earn a pretty penny by buying broken decks on eBay, fixing them, and then reselling them.
My workplace uses Samsung TVs. I found a trick to let it run without connecting to WiFi. On the screen where it asks you to connect to a network, just click right like you wanted to skip it and it will skip it even though it doesn’t say that’s an option. YMMV though, I can’t say if it works for all TVs.
Better yet, don’t buy a Samsung TV but this might come in handy if you happen to have one.
online keylogger tool
I got this one, works as expected
There were hype around this thing??
I’m not up to speed with it as I’m not Norwegian myself but I think that’s correct. They’re aiming to be ICE free in 2035.
Thailand is set to legalise same sex marriage and Norway is set to ban ICE cars, both in 2025.
There’s probably a lot of these small wins happening around the world. Let’s keep an eye out for them so we don’t lose all our hope for a better future.
Yeah obviously, but what about the rest of my 10s of TBs of porn?
It’s easy to stop smoking! I do it several tines a day!
Kattegat, between Denmark ans Sweden
Our navy is currently holding back a Chinese ship suspected of sabotage of undersea internet cables.
XcQ, link stays blue
That could have been done by just having a single entry called GoogleBot or BingBot, not an entire sentence explaining their product offering let alone hundreds of times a minute.
They’re saying who they are, what they do, and are linking to their website and sometimes sends hundreds of requests in a minute. It might not say "For only €49.99 you can get your very own thing!”, but that does not mean they aren’t throwing their name up in every website owner’s arse whether they like it or not.
They’re spamming all web logs too with an advertisement for their services in the user agent. I decided to ban them from all my websites because the logs took up too much space.
.world is bad because of egregious censoring.
If you’re in a private tracker like RED or OPS it works very well, but I agree that public trackers are not well indexed enough