A heartfelt gesture indeed. Remember everyone: Jury Nullification.
A heartfelt gesture indeed. Remember everyone: Jury Nullification.
Batteries overheating or arson?
Option 3: Justice
Smells like fraud! Tesla is ran by a grifter. Canada better get their stuff together and arrest or ban Musk from business in Canada or he will have you acting like the US.
Yes, this is absolutely true. The evidence is clear when you consider how Twitter is going and with the censorship mentality spreading to other media, like the Reddit bans.
Those have design issues like rust (stainless steel rusting is a bit odd).
That is the point I was making about Twitter, and it applies to Reddit as well. You have to stop that radicalization socially, they need their hands slapped to know that they are wrong. Twitter and Reddit dont just let MAGA go crazy, they give them a safe space to do it in. They block us normal people from telling them they are being crazy. He’ll, Reddit let’s them throw people out if they don’t have Conservative flair (like a checkmark).
The institutions are preventing proper social responses to these hateful people.
The call it “Dirt”. There was a misunderstanding with the word “Earth” and it got translated to soil or dirt, so they picked “Dirt”.
His Twitter posts say otherwise. When he trolled back in the day, he trolled Republicans.
Here was his turning point. In 2020, standing in an LGBT friendly company he mocked those same people he once defended.
I agree it all could have been an act before this point … but the fact remains even if it was … he actually cared enough to act back then.
I understand what you are trying to say, but Twitter is far from free speech. Twitter is a mob/mind control device. It brings hatred to the forefront. The worst posts thrown right into people’s faces, then they tailor the content to focus the hatred.
One only needs to type the words “Cis Gender” in Twitter to see the censorship, the hatred, and the target all working together.
That’s not free speech, it’s brainwashing. Reddit is just as bad.
The bot was probably right. That has been yelled a lot. Soylent Green is … Rich people!
Apparently they are.
Yes, sadly, freedom of speech includes freedom of hate speech. The platform would have to rely on its users downvoting or ridiculing the offender rather than outright bans.
The billionaire purchased media will radicalize a small racist and stupid portion of your population. That portion will grow like a cancer. Then the billionaires will pick some reality tv star or other bad actor to step up and take the reins of this hate group. Fight it now or lose your country like US citizens have.
If they bought a cyber truck they are pretty much guaranteed to be a dickhead.
Cybertrucks are very plain. They need decoration.
No, Musk was a leftist 10 years ago. I saw posts on Twitter of him defending LGBT. He completely went crazy maybe 5-6 years back and went full MAGA. I suspect it was his girlfriend of 4 years dumping him.
I got banned yesterday and did not know what Lemmy was until I did a search for Reddit alternatives.
If you post on r/conservative they will actually stalk you and look through your posts to report stuff … but you report them and that is ok.
Same here.
Oh, see, that is devious. Burn your inventory then try and blame “the libs”.