ヾ⦑^ ω ^⦒ゞ
edit: oh no it looks weird on voyager
edit 2: fixed (kinda). Pretty cool website, good job!
ヾ⦑^ ω ^⦒ゞ
edit: oh no it looks weird on voyager
edit 2: fixed (kinda). Pretty cool website, good job!
True words by a wise programmer
“Upise ahah my bad”
I cannot believe i’ve missed that section. Thanks
It seems that’s only possible on web clients. Will check it later. Thanks! I’m dd, i have never seen the option
Yeah, that’s probably the only way for now. Thanks! I’m dumb, I have never seen the option
How do you block an instance? Using Voyager
Obvious plant
It’s interesting that so many religions from all around the world has a ‘big flooding’ story in it.
Wow, this is useless!
Seriously, who the hell use Netflix on a monitor when you have a literal pc connected to it that is way better.
The morons who decided to use AI in places it shouldn’t have been used in the first place.
The most secure option is bringing the laptop with you.
Was searching for a 3d model to print some months ago.
I spotted one after a while but the download available was only for an updated version, and needed the old version.
Managed to pull off the old download link from the archive and get the file. I was pretty stoked that it worked.
I agree, basically this. Although I also agree that some discord servers are overwhelming and badly structured / too many channels for no reason.
“Hey you, yes exactly you. Do you wanna accept all cookies or just part of them?”
Fucking bullshit what if I don’t want any of them. I’m glad extensions partially fix this
80% of people I know does not use an ad block, even the ones more tech savvy. I have no clue how brainwashed they are for eating ad garbage all day long.
I mean, I understand people not looking for a partner. But sometimes having a person close to you can help a ton especially in hard times and great for fighting loneliness.
I have a a couple of close friends, but they’re all moving away for work/stuff, and being alone is hitting hard.
I only saw some videos on other’s phones.
Also I started using newpipe for youtube exactly because I don’t want an algorithm learning what I’m interested in. No way in hell I do it for tiktok.
The last stand - Sabaton?
Edit just realised there was a description, nvm.
They found good ancient liquor and did not taste it? What a waste!