Have you tried lutris?
Have you tried lutris?
Ah the thought crime advocate.
Its a thin line to walk, my points dont change, planning and intent is significantly more, its crafting devices, buying weapons, its records, its money, its so much more than naughty words & opinion.
free speach can plan terrorist attacks
murder and manslaughter don’t just stop existing… let alone terrorism laws and conspiracy to commit crime just because you can say naughty words
worlds most over glorified over priced office website that runs like a slug
lol posting this on the most notoriously censored instance, on a platform intentionally removed from the fediverse for this very reason.
Echo chambers are the flavour of lemmy. Think wrong is quickly censored.
So doing what every single developer does, got it.
Everyone is teflon
Lol that ain’t happening. They are doing this for short term gain. Line mus go up and ceo terms are medium term perfect for overstimulating their stock value and cashing out as they leave. The next ceo will come in to a crash in stock value and hard cuts are the only option.
So in this case, it’s good for devs as it’s only happening now while its early. gtfo while you can!
Its also worth mentioning this could be most likely more simple. Its a distraction from a sign of real financial trouble
Maybe they see your job as pointless waste of their time. The engineers put it together with the limitted timeframe and budget they were given, and dont need someone to tell thwm how to suck eggs. They know whats broken and how to fix it and they know how to do it.
To make it worse, you will do none of the work but will take the majority of recognition as c suite will associate the change with consultation and not the more time or money allocated to rhe team.
The best time for analysis is at the start of the project as it reduces the learning and consultation. Now, its an uphill battle, and frankly, not needed.
Weapon of mass-debation
MVP is really an employee, they are not aloud to be honest when giving advice that is not in Microsofts best interest. It’s a farce.
Line mus go up
Especially avoid nestle
Not Cadbury
Block or remove the terminal and judge the disastrous performance on its ability to work after the fact
This. Its the most inportant step as its critical for memory recall. Too late to do anything else.
Last round of nvidia drivers made a mess, nix has a wiki on the issues on how to fix them until they are resolved.
How out of touch are you? Thry are using the most up to date repo.
Nix has the largest and most updated repo of all of them by a large factor according to live stats.
Its the opposite. Well done. Nix is very difficult.
Your head is bent if you think thats a gatekeeping comment
Its 2024and you go to Mcdonalds drivethrough. First thing you hear:
Whats your order code
No good morning. Its straight to whats the order code for the app on your phone.
Thankfully you can be equally rude back and place your order.
Next year though? Dont expect the human to stay around for long.