id start a nuclear war for a dorito

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2022


  • As of now its overblown. Still a useful tool tho. Ive been using deepseek to help with resume formatting. Just dont let them do any actual writing for you or theyll make shit up. But for formatting theyre great. Feed it what you wrote, and ask to to clean it up without changing the text. Re read it to make sure it didnt change stuff anyway. Its also great at things like troubleshooting issues. Way better then just googling it. You can still run into hallucinations tho so be careful. I also reccomend avoiding any western AI and only use chinese AI. Its better and safer.

  • This isn’t something you can rank for a lot of these. For example, speeding. Are you going 75 in a 60, or 80 in a school zone? Very different things. Murder. Who’d you kill, and why? Lots of people i wouldnt mind so much. Treason. Some people who commit treason are heroes. Imagine committing treason against Nazi Germany for example. Ranking actions in general just isn’t possible without the exact context, and situation being known. Thats kinda why we have a justice system that is so complicated, and requires long drawn out trials.

  • For me dreams are just like an alternate life. I usually have entire like memory sets in them. Ill be in some other world sometimes similar to ours sometimes really different and ill know things about my life there. Going about it as if it is my life. I never know its a dream i have no memory of my real life while im in them. I have all my senses. I have even eaten things in dreams and woken up wishing those foods were real. One that sticks with me is this really spicy drink. It was an amber color and tasted warm, and spiced but also sweet. It was very good. I can experience most things i would while awake but if its too intense ill wake up.

  • What if instead of trying to be cutting edge and shit you look backwards. Do something with mechanical computing. Maybe think up a way it could still be useful in the modern era. Like in high radiation environments where electronic computers break down too quickly for example. I wonder if you could design a mechanical computer that could operate indefinitely in an environment like chernobyl, and power itself via the ambient radiation in the area? That could be cool.

    Disclaimer: i am not a computer engineer in the slightest, and didn’t even have a classical education so im not 100% sure what a dissertation is.