Being able to use TikTok on your phone doesn’t make you tach savvy. They don’t know anything about how it all works. It’s a false dichotomy.
Being able to use TikTok on your phone doesn’t make you tach savvy. They don’t know anything about how it all works. It’s a false dichotomy.
The Traveler by John Twelve Hawks.
He is a little fucking nuts but the book is fun.
The Cuecat: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CueCat
Came at a time when there weren’t barcodes everywhere and QR codes didn’t exist yet. Companies had to publish Cuecat specific barcodes, it was much easier to just type in the URL by the time you figured out you could use it at all.
Thank you for your detailed answer. I’ll have to give it a try.
I am asking here because it sounds like you might have first hand knowledge. I currently use LastPass for a password manager and I really like it’s integratiom with the Android phone and using it within app and on websites.
How is the integration of Proton into the phone? I don’t want to have to open a different app and copy/ paste the password.
Thank you.
It blocks in line ads and trackers, that’s why I have been using it.
I do turn off all the rewards and other BS in the browser, but I will look into Firefox and uBlock. Thank you.
I have been using Brave as my browser for years, I have never once seen an ad on YouTube. Nor have I ever had any of the issues that have been reported with people using ad blockers.
Great information, thank you.
Too bad we can’t root our Alexa equipment and use them.
Thank you so much for your detailed answer. This is going to be something I take a real look at.
Is there good app support for Home Assistant? Like a one stop shop or is it spread over the apps of the various pieces of equipment?
Are you using microphones or is it entirely app based? And if so what microphones are you using?
I guess it would be too easy to just have Plug and Play option. 🤷 I am technically inclined but I don’t want to spend a ton of time recreating the wheel.
I can’t ask a question? I am in the Alexa infrastructure and would like to change and I don’t know what’s good to use instead. People are really shitty.
What are you using for microphones?
What are you using for microphones?
What are you using for microphones?
With Sonos shitting the bed with its app update and now the prospect of Alexa being destroyed by fees and AI, my smart home infrastructure is falling apart. So disappointing.
A very heavily curated Hot/All. I have a huge block list but I want to see new communities.