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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2024

  • Yeah, honestly why bother doing this shit? You got to enjoy your life, because you only have one. If you purposefullly forsake your life in favor of your Job, then you are doing Something wrong. Especialy since nobody will thank you in that Part.

    I have Had some shitty Chefs myself, but whenever they try to mention my being late, i ASK them very seriously (voice deep, tone down), If they got some issue with my Work results. Those ones pretty much stopped doing that asking Sometime Afterwards. Funny enough my last Boss wanted US all to meet daily at 8:30 for a Status Report (called daily b/c WE are “agile”). Stopped doing that after a year, when we Just sat there for a year in those Status Meeting Just answering the bare Minimum of His questions to our respective works. After a year, he started doing only a weekly (were we can submit things to discuss) at a better and more reasonable time. Which Made us all happier. So Fight won.

  • I don’t think thats really possible. One of the reasons why we have a hard time figuring Out how to get CO2 Out of the atmosphere is because chemically its such non reaction Gas. This stuff interacts with almost nothing and if it reacts (as in being bound to Saccharose and Cellulose in Plants), its always requiring somewhat large amounts of external Energy. So neither technology Nor bilogy will save us

  • We are currently on track to reach +4.5°C average heat increase above pre-industrials levels in 2100. Which means famines all over the World, only 30% of current agricultural Land left for Farming, and wild fires being a common occurence up to the 50th latitude. And Not being able to Go outside in Summer for Most of the World, because our availability to sweat will be hindered by high humidity levels, leaving most people of the Population left for a high Chance to Heat strokes.

    All of that assuming our current scientific Models are not lacking behind the reality, as with the recent sharp increase over +1,5°C in 2023-2024, we can not yet completely explain yet. So it could be worse than that, the chances of it being better are almost Zero.

  • At what Point in time did I say any Thing about Trumps relationship to Israel? Being favorfull to Russia and other states IS possibke, its mit mutually exclusive. Putins Russia could Not have opted Out this easily from the Treaty, because that would have Made hin Look evil in the international Stage. Including towards China. This would have severely impacted His ability to secure funding, munitions and Ressources from other states, which He needed, AS WE now know for a 3-day Invasion of Ukraine. Just for an example for this, See Irans nuclear Programm which resulted in them being almost completely cut Off from the international Stage. So yes, Trump did do Putin a favor, shifting the blame from existing the Treaty to a manical narcisist and President of the US.

  • Explain to me then how abolishing a Treaty solely between Russia and US that was forged in 1989, when China as a nuclear Power wasnt such a Thing, has had any positive effect in regards to the US Relation to China or the Rest of the World. He Said, it was BC of China, thats clearly just an excuse. france and UK already were nuclear Powers in 1989, but were not part of this Treaty, why do you think that was? If you want to forge a new Treaty with another country (i.e. China), you forge it with them bilaterally between China and US, not by abolishing existing Treaties. No one would Stop you from having multiple Treaties, honestly. Aside from the fact that those already exist.

    If you can not See that this was purely to the benefit of Russia and Putin, then to what purpose was it?

    Its not about going Out of your way to antagonize a foreign Nation, that was already Made 70 years ago with the Cold War. But reducing those Treaties and being apologetic about foreign nations treating of free speech and freedom in General with No positive Effect to your own Country or the international Stage at large does Not make you Look strong or in any way interested in your own countries welfare, it makes you Look weak and in that countries Pocket. Whether He IS in Chinas Pocket or Not, you can decide for yourself, following the Link given by me on His foreign policies.

    Europe will defend their interests, as we have always done (you can see on my instance, that i am Not a US Citizen, do you?). Before Trump, we we’re of the opinion that our and your interests align as the Western Democratic World, making positive Change for all of us. This Changes more and more with what a fuck-show of an Impression Trumps US has given us. With what His current ramblings are, Thinking, that you can Change Goalposts in a partnership singlehandedly (i.e. NATOs, Not the United States, requirements for 3% GDP Military spending to 5%), Shows clearly, that He does Not consider the Rest of the Democratic World AS Partners, but adversaries.

    Honestly, whatever you wrote, did Not once answer my requests for explaining to me your Points? I answered your questions in regards to Finance and spending, you are Just ignoring those Things. Not being able to talking Things Out with me makes me think you are a Troll, not a Person interested in Civil discourse and discussion.

  • Please explain to me how his Ukraine-Russia Peace plan had any financial effect ion the US finances? Because there was None.

    Or withdrawing from the nuclear forces Treaty Or the russia-syria collaboration. In that regard, it cost the US more Money, because they increased their presence in that Region.

    If you Check the article i linked, it is already stated in the begining “Upon taking office, Trump relied more on military personnel than any previous administration” - what do you think, how that Military Personal in foreign affairs is getting paid?

    And it is a fact, that his government was one with the biggest deficits on governmentla spending in decades.

  • Sure, here is a quick summary of what he did do in the First term:

    • Excused Putins Killing of Journalist and political oponents
    • Organized a “Ukraine-Russia Peace plan”, thereby easing sanctions on russia (without failibg to achieve auch a Thing as Peace)
    • organized a plan for russia-US collaboration in the Syriian civil war, thereby allowing Putins Allied to stay in Power and cementing their Power within the Region (instead of - you-know - keeping Out of internal conflicts of foreign stades and preventing other foreign Powers such as russia from influecing such conflicts)
    • Met with Putin on a regular Basis (i.e. in the Helsinky summit) without letting any Details of those private discussions surface, which is unheard of (usually the talking Points of Meetings with other states are releases Afterwards)
    • Withdrew from the 1989 nuclear forces treaty with russia (because China wasnt part of it), allowing russia to quell transparancy requirements on their nuclear Missile Depots
    • Instructed government agencies on their regulatory Basis for overseeing the venezuelan presidential crisis , denying russian interference, dispite His government agencies saying otherwise
    • Advocated for russias Reinstatement to G7 membership on a international Stage

    I could go on , as those are the Points to His presidential term until the begining of 2019, leaving one year of His presidency Out. But you too can ready them yourself: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_policy_of_the_first_Donald_Trump_administration

    Basic TLDR; his presidential term on terms of foreign policies saw a Retreat of the US from international policies and democratic oversight, thereby allowing russia to Take a bigger Part on influecing the international Stage and foreign states in authoritarean ways