So how much HP does Bojack Horseman have?
So how much HP does Bojack Horseman have?
I pay them for other reasons.
Oh for fucks sake
People should stop giving medical advice or diagnosis online based on almost nothing. Even if you say “might have”.
Silly memes and real tiddies*
Top one “Quotes” opens the browser for me, instead of taking me to the community.
The top one “Introductions” shows zero posts for me, while it should have 58 total according to the stats. How?
This thread is exactly what I needed. Thanks!
Let’s do a little experiment:
Hope so too. Is it a bug or a feature?
These stupid custom emoji’s take up half of my screen. Wtf?
Both, for different reasons. I use paper notes to stick them on my fridge so I won’t forget about them.
The Piped videos still don’t work.
Fix poverty and you fix a huge amount of other things.
I wish. Plastic pollution will stay around for much longer and we still don’t even know how to fix this mess. Meanwhile it’s getting worse.
Very very very terrible idea.