Dump configs to backup drive. Pray to the machine spirit that things don’t blow up. Only update when I remember. I’m a terrible admin for my own stuff.
Dump configs to backup drive. Pray to the machine spirit that things don’t blow up. Only update when I remember. I’m a terrible admin for my own stuff.
I try and post, but I feel like I’m always slow to the uptake and people already say the things I have to say. But I do make sure I vote as much as I can.
I use sway, and for the life of me can not get steam link to display my games. I have tried so many things. If I use flatpak steam it works, but it breaks remote play together, which works fine not flatpak! I can get them both to work with KDE Wayland as well. It’s frustrating but also not a huge deal.
I use my personal computer as a work PC. But I run a VM for the work stuff. It’s great.
This is the same for me and my family. It’s such a great feature to have and worth not seeing ads. I feel like supporting the platforms I use is important to me.
Hate is a strong word. But I have never really cared for it. The content I have watched felt like it was the trillby wearing “um actually” kid writing his own edgey story. And something about the yelling outbursts I have seen a few times make me want to curl up and die.
Second limited edition steam deck. My kids now use both of them.
I love cartoons. Can’t stand comics, manga and anime. And this is someone who watched DBZ growing up and never getting into despite all my friends loving it. I’m an avid reader and shows like gravity falls are some of my favourites!
I’ve been tinkering with it lately and really like it as a shiny alternative. Might switch to my primary if I can get some real tinker time. Having a young family makes it hard to have hobbies!
Outside of extreme cases, they just look like anyone else.
Threads affects more than Lemmy. The whole fediverse is interconnected so it will affect all platforms.
I’m torn on this. On one hand, I would love to see more content coming into the fediverse from larger content creators. Sure there are plenty of great folks here but I want more adoption. Threads could be the way for a lot of people into the fediverse and if everyone defederates from them it really won’t make a splash. I have seen big tech EEE too many times to really trust them though. ESPECIALLY meta. What I prefer to see is things like flipboard migrating to the fediverse. We need to see more of this!
We bought an EV recently and the dealership told us the Market Adjustment was the easiest thing to negotiate away.
Possibly it was low hanging fruit. Easy to implement, and it gives people a feature pretty much everything else has.
Infuse endeavour and have recommended it in the past and it seems pretty easy as well as stable.
At this point I would rather Canada struggle to make work for the people displaced by the loss of O&G than continue to fuel their bullshit.
I heard about odysee a while ago but it felt dirty using it because of the huge amount of crypto and conspiracy content on it.
I tried and disliked both of those. They worked fine they just felt bad. Bad to digging around for clients.