O’Brien just casually rattling a Cardassian while having a drink. War hero AND a union man.
O’Brien just casually rattling a Cardassian while having a drink. War hero AND a union man.
I’m going to call all cut progressive content from Star Trek “Berman conflicts” from now on.
This may not be very esoteric to some, but one of my personal favorites is that the transporter operator in the TNG episode Second Chances is Dr. Mae Jemison, the first African-American astronaut in space.
And then this fantastic behind the scenes photo during the shooting of that episode, where she is visited by Nichelle Nichols. Mae credits Nichols’ Uhura as the inspiration for becoming an astronaut and I imagine it had to be dizzying to get to be on Star Trek and actually meet her hero in the flesh.
But even if you already knew all that, another interesting piece of information is that this was the first and only time Jemison acted. She appeared as herself in several different documentaries over the years (including one alongside William Shatner), but she never acted again… until 2023. 30 years later, she got a second acting credit as the voice of an out-of-control phone app in Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur.
Mae Jemison has become one of MY inspirations in life.
Okay, at this point it’s the fault of the police for thinking THAT THING is a Samurai sword. It looks too outlandish for Lord of the Rings.
Obviously, the correct way to determine the owner would have been a contest to see who could do the best Final Fantasy cosplay.
You also get a good look at it when he’s pulling the bloody uniforms from the vent in the dining hall in The Undiscovered Country.
We likely already do, we just don’t know which ones it will be yet.
A Samurai sword in Oregon? In the possession of a couple of middle-aged (and probably white) dudes? Bet you lunch it’s a replica.
Biblically accurate Angel = Endgame Pokemon battle.
You’re suppose to be able to log into a new device and recover all of your files. But I have heard horror stories (particularly involving Dropbox) where the lack of files on the new device confused the service into syncing that blank slate across all devices. I have personally had issues with iCloud where I delete a file and try to re-add it only for iCloud to keep re-deleting the file every time because it thinks it forgot to remove them all.
Cloud syncing is not built with backing up in mind. In situations where the syncing service becomes your only copy of everything and you do recover it all, you’re just lucky nothing happened before you got to it.
My grandparents had the exact same coffee maker / pot combo.
Get the Jaws of Life, make a new door.
“It’s supposed to be a harmonious time, stable, with food and happiness.”
But it ain’t.
I disagree that they are not important. The OC you make is like a scrapbook of that point in your life. And like you said, it makes people smile. I think you should backup your memes.
Everyone remember, nothing uploaded to the internet is backed up. You can’t count on the “nothing on the internet is ever deleted” axiom to save you. Because SO MUCH of the internet has already been lost to history.
Ideally, you want your personal data in three locations. One copy on the computer or device you use where it can be freely accessed and edited. One copy backed up locally (external drive or physical media) that is archived but can be gotten to at a moment’s notice. And one copy off-site (a copy on another computer somewhere else or a cloud backup service) that can be requested or sent back to you should something destroy the first two backups, like a fire.
It’s also important to remember that syncing services like DropBox or iCloud are NOT backups. If a file is deleted or damaged in one location, that change will sync to all the other locations and the previous version of the file is very difficult to recover, even by the engineers running those services.
I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad here, this is as good a time as any to repeat the importance of getting into the habit of backing up irreplaceable data, or setting up some kind of automated service. There are a lot of options and they’re usually pretty cheap.
(I pay $9 USD a month to BackBlaze to backup and keep 10TB of data and changes going back one year. But even keeping a spindle of DVDs in your closet is better than nothing.)
Sorry to hear about this, Jawa, I’ve been there multiple times. Hope you can recover most (if not all) of the stuff you lost.
Is that the wig that Gene Roddenberry hated?
He should be happy with them the way they are. Black boxes are bright orange.
Are there any long-term health risks associated with eating so many onions as of late?
The head on the Bridge has very thin doors.
My fan canon now is that because the Prometheus was a prototype testing ship, it was also the prototype Mark II. The source code was stored on that ship’s computer and nowhere else. Then the NX-Prometheus was a sploded during the Dominion War.
All gone!
He wants to know why you haven’t started rioting.