human garbage

  • 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • This debate is so, sooo old, but after all these times I’ve wroten arguments for having a dedicated player, I feel I singled out the most important ones to me.

    It is not my phone. I enter a different headspace when I use an e-book or a mp3 player, I mentally dedicate myself to use it and enjoy it. I don’t switch between apps, see notifications popping up, for if I’m using it, I can turn the beeping fucker off and just have a good time with my tired old Walkman and Sleep’s Holy Mountain album undistracted. And I know I can put on the plane mode on, but it feels like an important switch to my brains when I leave my phone for a dumb player. My intent to use it, leaving everything else behind, somehow makes me enjoy my time with music more. We’re all wired differently, but maybe you can feel it too.

    And I’m left amused by the impressions of W. Gibson, the cyberpunk daddy, when he had his first Walkman and took a walk. Him, having a personal music headspace for the first time, seeing all these huge banner adds for early tech wonders on the streets, gave him a lot of inspiration, made him feel like he is detached from this era and brought into some distant future. For some time, he felt like a character of his novels. In some sense, it was like carving your own room from out of nowhere with a click of a button while leaving in human hives of metropolitan areas. And the romantic vibes of it make me take it as another reason pro dumb players.

    It’s irrational, but I choose to like it.

  • I start to appreciate games that implement complex and sometimes rarely noticeable (immersive, boo) mechanics that come off naturally. And I notice how a thought pattern behind bad ones could’ve progressed.

    Bugs? My favs are buggy to the point some of these bugs became their own mechanics. I only get annoyed when the game bores me out, and if bugs can’t make me feel like it, it’s fine. And some better-done games are pretty boring to me.

  • I don’t know what’s скороварка on English, I guess it’s an easy rice cooking and heating device that can be set on timer. Buy one, then disassemble it and see where heating elements of that thing are. Tape them on you hard drives, better if they are SSDs, set the timer, put it into a wall socket and leave. If you are of adventurous kind, do the same with microwave’s transmitter, pointing it out of the box, but be cautious as fuck because this shit can cook your balls or head in seconds.

    or, better yet

    You know that most MBs have special contacts for power\reset buttons? You can do two circles to them, one is for you to power up the system normally from some secret button and one from a normal button is to trigger some funsies with things easily triggered by current or heat, like dry gunpowder. So when some ABC agent would try to power up your machine, some funny thing occurs.

    and if you are worried about it being disassembled in their lab, print big stickers that stick components to their slots, like OEM fuckers do, and then put cheap razorblades under them near the edge of said stickers. That’s a lifehack nazis and then punks used to deny their posters from getting easily ripped off.

  • You take away their agency and their choice to create a backwards society. We can thank americans for creating a disfunctional corrupt house of cards that felt apart once they left, pepper it with their many crimes, but both Talibs in 2001 and Talibs in 2021 were to pack women in trash bags and make spotty readings of Quran the law once they get a chance. Probably, in coming decades, we’d see how they outlive the influence of murricans and their own overcompensation for that, but I just can’t see how that clique can create anything but conservative manocentric shithole with only variable being if they do or don’t become the worlds first opioid farm.