Agreed. It’s the tried and true icon.
It’s like on discord, what’s the symbol to make a call? An old school telephone handset. People know what it means. It’s a universal symbol
Agreed. It’s the tried and true icon.
It’s like on discord, what’s the symbol to make a call? An old school telephone handset. People know what it means. It’s a universal symbol
Not sure why downvoted. It’s just memorizing a username and password.
I am absolutely against it. You cannot force a person to give 100% of their effort. So if a person doesn’t wanna be there. They’re not going to put forward 100%. Wanna guess who picks up the rest.? Yeah that’s right their teammates. Now their teammates are pissed off because they’re doing extra work. That destroys morale . It doesn’t matter what type of job they have whether it’s infantry or office based or whatever the end result is the same.
It’s one of the reasons why when you enlist when you’re going through training, it really is not that hard to get out of training. During the Vietnam era you pretty much had to throw yourself down a flight of stairs and break your leg or something. Today, yeah it’s significantly easier to leave.
Because the mentality is, if you don’t wanna be there then just go home.
Special operations takes it to the next level they have (for example with the seals) a bell that you ring. Literally just walk up ring the bell and you’re done.
I have met a few vets, but not very many people who served who think military should be mandatory. The vast majority of people have served say : no service should not be mandatory. At least the ones that I’ve met.
I have met a fair number civilians who thinks military service should be mandatory though.
Think of what a bar of gold is worth. 1,000,000. That’s 25 pounds.
I don’t have that much money so for me the weight would be significantly less. That would be super easy to conceal and head some where safe. If the US fell the gold can be converted to any currency. Even if it took a year or two for another country to pick up and be a stable place to go, the gold would still be good.
So that makes gold a solid place to store the value. Go back hundreds of years people still wanted gold. Hundreds of years from now people will probably still want gold.
If it’s a serious crash but the US dollar comes back. Gold will still be a good solid place to store the value. If the US changes from dollar to something else, then gold still works.
The only question is timing the market, but to me still not a big deal since generally safe gold goes up in value.
1990 price was $383 an ounce in 2023 it was $1943 an ounce. I’d say do the math to those that doubt. And yeah timing is tough. But even if the US doesn’t fail gold goes up in price generally speaking
Buy gold. It will go up in value. When things bottom out, sell the gold. Buy back into the markets.
Note this is not financial advice. I can’t predict what the markets will do.
My mom was supposed to get my Grandpa’s house after he died. But my grandpa made the mistake of giving his new wife my mom‘s stepmom right to life in the house. She didn’t take care of the house, trying to kick somebody out who has right life is almost impossible. When my mom‘s stepmom finally died,the house was basically worthless. My mom basically got nothing out of the deal.
Never ever give somebody right to life to any house. It will kick you in the teeth.
Curly McDick
If you are trying to make them care or discuss it at work then that is where you are failing.
Very few people want to or are willing to discuss politics at work. Many will report it as harassing behavior and you run the risk of getting fired.
You need to talk to them outside of work.
Grey on grey.
I want to meet the idiot who thought that was a good idea. Then kick ‘em in the nuts
I question your statement of , it just falls out. If it only fell out you couldn’t piss any distance other then down. Yet you can get quite the distance. So there has to be some force there. Although it would be quite small
Mainly gaming but if I’m looking things up online and need multiple tabs. I won’t use mobile. Mobile sucks ass for that.
Multiple tabs and two monitors makes things much easier to do research.
Spreadsheet work for my business… on mobile?
I’m crazy not stupid.
Summer sucks. Winter is where it’s at.
Why would you want to get an attorney? Have you ever tried to migrate from one country into another? It’s not a fun process there’s a butt load of paperwork, attorneys know who to talk to where to go what paperwork to get. If for any reason there’s a legal issue, the attorney is going to see it from a mile off, long before you ever realize there’s even a problem and be able to fix it.
They are also going to be able to give you legal advice about that new country such as common misconceptions about that country, legal system or issues that people who immigrate from the US into that country don’t realize.
The attorney is going to have a wealth of knowledge for you to make your transition to that new country easier. Even if the Attorney may not know it off the top of their head as to how to solve it. They will know where to go to get the information.
Why would you want to trigger a , in your words, shit magnet, Sometimes shit magnets are willing to hand you cash to get rid of you. Not often , but even if all you get out of it is a $10, it’s $10 you didn’t have before.Take the money where you can and run like hell.
Can confirm. Worth it.
While I don’t agree with all his politics, I do enjoy his style. He asks a question then he shuts up and lets the other side talk.
Doesn’t interrupt.
@ShawnRyanShow On YouTube.
Andrew t a
Andrew (teachers assistant)
Or depending on my mood
Andrew (total asshole)
I did make another comment. I’m making a new one because there’s some things I want to add.
The first thing I would look at is what ideals or freedoms are you looking for? Then start looking for countries that match those ideals.
In my other comment, I said get an attorney. Let me follow up on that one. It isn’t I would suggest get an attorney. I would say have to have an attorney. I can’t tell you the number times I’ve heard attorney say a client went into a courtroom, tried to talk to a judge, said exactly what they were supposed to say did exactly what they were supposed to do, and the judge ruled against them. Then the attorney goes in and says the same thing and the judge rules in favor. It’s just the way the system is so I would you basically have to have an attorney. So I would talk to several attorneys and find out what would it cost beginning to end For you to be able to live in that country.
They will probably only be able to give you a ballpark number. Whatever number they give you don’t act shocked just say I thank you and appreciate the information.
As far as cost if you didn’t have the money. GoFundMe. That’s my best answer for you.
Even if the first go fund me, doesn’t get you enough money you just take that money put it in the bank. Then do another one.
I would suggest advertising the hell out of it. Now this one is gonna sound weird, but it might actually work. Find conservative based websites and advertise it there. Be honest about who you are. Then say you want to leave the country and you’re not coming back, but you don’t have the to be able to do it. Not all conservatives hate trans people but there are some that do and they wanna make them leave. Use that in your favor. Expect to get a lot of hate mail, but nothing says you actually have to read the comments. Maybe you can get some money from them. Like I said it’s a strange idea, but I could actually see it playing out , maybe not too large scale But any money is better than no money.
The question that I don’t really know here is whether or not when you are leaving is if you’re going to give up your American citizenship. If you plan to give up your American citizenship, then put that into the GoFundMe page. Put that into your advertisement when you’re trying to advertise .
This was going to be my question. Most likely they don’t need access to every single room.
Unless they are doing windows. But even then… maybe a closet?
But if for some reason they needed every room. Put in a cat carrier and bundle them in towels. Take them on a bus ride.
The others have given good starting points.
I’d say get an attorney to help guide you through the process. Can make things go smoother
I use mint and don’t really have any problems.
The only problem (which is of my own making) I installed it on an external usb drive, so it boots super slow. Other than that, no issues. I’m going to leave it there for a year or so. Then install it on an internal drive (solid state).
Not saying others don’t have issues. Just that I don’t.