No matter whether the diagnosis is accurate in this case. OP’s parents are harmful for some reason. No need to make OP’s situation even harder, internet stranger. Be kind to kids, please.
No matter whether the diagnosis is accurate in this case. OP’s parents are harmful for some reason. No need to make OP’s situation even harder, internet stranger. Be kind to kids, please.
In this case it’s a survival strategy.
The date on the article means nothing, because the information had been published before in other news sources. This article just republished old news with a new date.
I feel with you though, you didn’t know that.
The acceptance is one-sided in case of animals, so to make the question fair, we should ask: Would exploitation of humans be acceptable to the aliens? The answer is: Let’s hope that besides higher intelligence they also have much higher empathy!
Interesting, it’s kind of the other way around for me! I wake up ready for food. After brushing, my taste buds are knocked off by the toothpaste and I loose all apetite.
I think you missunderstood. What they’re saying is using AI is still based on human creativity. A human comes up with a creative idea and uses a brush or an AI to visualize the idea. This opinion is built on belief that creative thinking is the heartof art and is more important than the physical process of crafting, the technique one uses to express the idea. There can be duscussions about that, of course.
We talk about enabling harmful behaviour. No one has a right to harm others, not even those with a disability.