Fahrenheit 451 is highly readable.
Fahrenheit 451 is highly readable.
Yes, "the end of the journey’ got me too. So AI-looking. It’s this one:
Exactly as you’ve described it: bust, waist, hip and leg length, but with leg length from hip to ankle. It would mean not all sizes are available for a given piece of clothing, but it would mean that on the rack or online, you could tell whether a piece of clothing would fit.
Yes but they would only send one person or a small group, carefully and with protection. Without any sign people would just walk in and slowly suffer the consequences.
Or read a book, or do literally anything else.
Sorry - I don’t expect you to change your own habits or something, this isn’t personal. I work in this space, so to me it’s just a fact and not a matter of opinion. Air travel results in higher carbon emissions per kg-km than road travel by about an order of magnitude. Even for long haul flights.
The GREET model: https://www.energy.gov/eere/bioenergy/articles/greet-greenhouse-gases-regulated-emissions-and-energy-use-transportation
People supporting sex work being legal and the non-acceptance of people using sex workers in illegal/non consensual situations are congruous positions.
Per kg-km flying is higher carbon impact than driving, no matter how full the plane is.
It was a play on words, from /sbin. More info in the top thread.
If you put a peach in this meal, tho - that’s Georgia’s peach.
It still involves using floss. Just gets you to use less of it.
$18/hour is just barely a living wage in NYC. Actual living wage for an adult with 0 children in NYC is about $25.50/hour:
On top of that you have the challenges specific to these jobs. If you’re on bike, that’s hard work and limits the hours you can do without risking injury. If you’re driving (which is maybe practical in outer boroughs) you’re shouldering all the costs of the vehicle working for a delivery app. Either way that’s way too little after taxes per month, even at $18/hr.
High rise domes!