MIT OpenCourseWare might be close enough to what you’re looking for.
And accompanying lectures on YouTube:
MIT OpenCourseWare might be close enough to what you’re looking for.
And accompanying lectures on YouTube:
Stop withholding tax from paychecks. Pay quarterly and make a bunch of small errors. If a million people do this they will be so overwhelmed, that the only reasonable choice will be to tax the rich.
They’ve had a bunch of mass attacks by knife and vehicles. Guess what the CCP does?
Improve quality of life? No. Make chef knives harder to obtain? Yes Profile childless men and monitor them? Yes
I’m right there with you, but I don’t see a compelling reason why either should be banned.
The only person stealing is the one who circumvents the DRM and shares it. It’s not stealing to see or hear something.
Well I hope the watch can at least update the time every time it acquires a location. Or when you travel to a new time zone it should be able to update automatically without internet access.
In theory, a GPS watch should be able to set the time automatically and precisely from the satellites. Hopefully the devs know this.
Once you put something out into the world, it’s no longer yours really.
-Bandit Heeler
I have a better idea. Define piracy as profiting off of the creative work of another without compensation. Piracy for personal use is theft only in the amount it was offered for sale. For torrenting it could be argued you have stolen 1 copy plus your seed ratio. However, lots of content isn’t even available for legal purchase, only subscription for viewing. Owning a copy of this content is not piracy because it did not interfere with the sale of the item (since it’s not offered for sale). Therefore, an act of media preservation is theft by this definition, but the amount or value of that theft is $0, because it’s not currently offered for sale.
I did not. Foolishly I got rid of my balance board after some years of no use.
If you can find an old working Wii Fit Balance Board you can use it as a very accurate Bluetooth scale.
I don’t drink water. I fill my tea kettle from the tap, as chlorine evaporates rapidly and completely from hot water. I usually drink two pints this way (one coffee and one herbal tea), and I drink a can of fizzy water at lunch, and maybe a beer with dinner.
I have two TP-Link EAP610, one EAP245, and one EAP615-Wall. The Omada controller runs on my home server in an LXC. Three of the units are powered by PoE, and the garage one is meshed in. I needed three in my house because the walls have chicken wire in them which blocks and reflects WiFi. It took some trail and error to get the WAPs in suitable locations. The main one in the basement is under a wall, such that it has line of sight into 5 rooms of the house. I used iPerf to test performance at the edges of each room, until I could get at least 300 Mbit reliably. That was the only way I could ensure that I was getting a direct signal and not a reflection off a wall.
The condensation is itself responsible for most of the warming of the beverage. Like the opposite of ice in an ice chest. Ice melting is most of the cooling power for an ice chest, not the temperature of the ice.
Appreciate your luck when you catch a break, but do not expect it. Life is not fair. It never was, nor will it ever be.
My approach also plants the seed of reason in the jurors who have already been selected. They may ignore jury nullification, but an open discussion of whether or not just laws need to be enforced never hurts.
Yeah but I also didn’t really want to be on the jury that much. And I didn’t get called up anyway.
I had half a day to think about it when they were selecting jury for a DUI case. I’d rather speak my mind freely for the jurors they’ve already selected, who are present during the full selection process. Normally one might think context doesn’t matter but DUI laws can also apply to a bicycle, which is a perfect candidate for being nullified by the jury.
In the manmade landscape, a desire path is humorous. It indicates the failure of a landscape architect. It’s harmless erosion of grass.
In a natural setting, the trail itself is an impact on the landscape, and cutting of switch backs can really do a lot of damage when the water has its way. Trails are constructed with drainage considerations, but shortcuts are not.