• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • I like cows. It started with using cowsay to make some “interesting” output for an otherwise boring looking program, then having to repeat the banner in msfconsole until I got the cow for good luck, then changing my desktop backgrounds and profile pictures to always have a good luck charm with me.

    I also think they’re neat but that isn’t the origin. If I had the property where it made sense to host livestock, I’d like to get Dexter cattle. That’s my current favorite.

    People also figured out my interest early on and now they get me cow things. I have a wall of cow art I’ve accumulated.

    I like cows

  • A few weeks ago I impulse bought a 24" show shovel at Sam’s club cause it was ~20$ and I didn’t wanna use a traditional shovel like I did last winter. The ticket scanning lady made some snide comments about “are you really expecting that much snow this year?” Frankly, I didn’t know or care. I’m just trying to add to my tool collection.

    Jokes on you, lady! We’re getting a winter storm this weekend. And I’m gonna use my new shovel to clear the sidewalks. Might even clear my neighbor’s sidewalk too.

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