Throwing stuff at the sun is super hard to do, as well as the fact that this would be wasting precious resources that is now gone from earth. I feel like one day, there will be businesses mining old garbage patch for long lost metals and stuff.
Throwing stuff at the sun is super hard to do, as well as the fact that this would be wasting precious resources that is now gone from earth. I feel like one day, there will be businesses mining old garbage patch for long lost metals and stuff.
In some places, they burn the trash and make electricity out of it. I don’t know what ends up being better, burning it or letting it seep everywhere?
If you press WIN + arrow up, down, left or right it will snap it on that half.
They were on a mission related to sanctions in North Korea which is right next to china.
La télécom est rendue un service essentiel. Ça prendrait une société d’état comme Hydro Québec. Je devrais pouvoir m’abonner à inernet et service cellulaire via hydro ou Internet Qc qui essayera pas de me faire avaler que payer 50$/mois pour brancher mon cell fait du sens et que le profit revienne dans nos poches si il y en a.
Some places let you pump THEN pay inside. You could just fill and leave. Is that not basically the same thing? Thay can catch them the same way.
Date formats. Can never tell if dd/mm/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd…
C’est fou comment les libéraux ont dégringolé.
All according to plan. The CAQ would love to privatize healthcare. What better way to convince the population than letting the public system crash and burn.
Its the same as a code review. Submit a code review for 1 file, get 5 comments. Submit with 1000 files, get a 👍 looks good!
Your ISP cannot read https data in transit. Extensions can because the page is now rendered on your local browser.
I don’t have time to make a full-on meme post but I can lend a couple of beans: 🫘🫘
A while back, Google trained an AI to learn to speak like a human, and it was making mouth noise and breathing. If AI is trained with human texts, it will 100% insert typos.
There is such a big divide between homeowners and renters. The average mortgage is 12.5years in, meaning payments are based on home prices from 2010, when canadian homes were 300k on average. That means that homeowners probably pay on average, 1200 a month while renters are paying double that amount. Younger generations are fucked.
The whole pipe will have a circumpherence 3.14x the diameter of the tube. Obviously being in the real world, it won’t be perfect as the plastic will stretch and contract with heat and pressure but 3x is a good ballpark. The mathematical relation is PI (3.14159…)
For sure. Waiting at the doctor’s office or travelling long distance was so boring before smart phones.
Could we even all survive without eating animals; all mankind?
Not all countries can produce plant food year round, or have access to high protein source of food that is not meat. I live in canada and more than half the year, all fruits and vegetables come from california, spain, and so on. There is no local vegetarian food. But, the butcher still has local meat available.
I am actually curious; is it even feasible to feed everyone if we stop meat production? What would be the impact on the environment to import boatloads of food from far away instead of sourcing local food year round?
“Exploiting” animals as in, animal cruelty, I think everyone agrees is bad. But I don’t feel like raising sheeps for wool or cows for milk is inherently wrong depending on the way it is done. Even eating animals, I would not call that exploitation. Plenty animals eat each other in nature. Is the wolf exploiting the sheep when it eats it?
What about a fish then? Or even insects? We use insects for plenty of things as well, like food dyes. Are we exploiting them? Insects are animal as well. What about a fish?
Pour faire l’avocat du diable: la compagnie de batterie apporte des jobs probablement mieux payé que la moyenne du québec, et ces employés vont payer de l’impot. Et en attirant des premières entreprises comme ça, ca crée de l’expertise qui éventuellement attirera plus de compagnies de batterie naturellement.
Le tramway aide le monde à se déplacer mais créera pas de richesse.
Je dis pas que je suis d’accord, le transport en commun c’est super important, mais c’est le raisonnement du gouvernement