Strange how leading up to our intro to the 20’s there were a lot of articles about how if you don’t enjoy your job to ask management to put you on the layoff list. To be easier for management to reduce without the awkward moment of calling you in.
Strange how leading up to our intro to the 20’s there were a lot of articles about how if you don’t enjoy your job to ask management to put you on the layoff list. To be easier for management to reduce without the awkward moment of calling you in.
Much like when the NDP won in Alberta a lot of the PC’s were shredding a bunch of documents. Whatever came of that injunction? Oh right they didn’t follow the rules.
Totally get that and also the heavy lifting and weaving involved to get something wholesome and mind changing.
My against the grain push was to get away from the polluted regurgitated sociopathic 24/7 post OJ Simpson/911 fear-mongering idiocy creating bullshit.
I want my 6 o’clock news that wraps up the days events. My in-depth article coverage on a Saturday morning spread which gave me something to talk and create a conversation besides asking how’s the weather and I’m too busy general walk around in everyday life with colleagues, friends and strangers.
Less is more and quality isn’t quantity.
Curious. What is the appetite for a news site/network outside the confines of VC’s and the like? What’s stopping a group from creating a new company and going against the grain? I understand it’s going up against a machine far larger then one can fathom but there has to be enough of you who are jaded and far more knowledgeable in your line of work to get over those hurtles.
Are we looking to expand what’s here on the Grocery Tracker to incorporate what they are doing with the Austrian site?
I’d also like to look at other pinch points of government heel dragging. Housing, energy, medical, transportation, telecom, news etc. We all see these government contracts go out for seven figures and it’s always shown to be blown out of proportion.
A nice added bonus to the project in Austria was someone giving historical data. It would be great to have a similar leg up for Canada.
I know of one in Alberta.
Even using prefabricated designs and or shipping container modulation you can’t even get services and or foundations done for less then $10,000.
On top of this there is usually a well and septic tank needing to be installed. That’s all dependant on depth and environmental precautions to be in place to set the tank and well up.
Exactly they only ask… did that cost us anything? Or how do we scrape off some costs to ensure that doesn’t make our quarter look worse then it does. Wait wait what about fudging this to look like R&D and not operation costs. Ughh why can’t we disrupt this practice.
Wish they would go after companies that produce millions upon millions of tonnes of plastic bullshit. I’m not sorry if you created some widget, gadget, toy and it’s soul purpose is to be an injection molded happy meal 5 minute amusement piece. Capitalism… blah blah yeah yeah I know. A shift needs to happen.
Damn my brain read garbage…
Seems to be a theme with wildfire followed by flooding in the last decade.
I’ve been thinking about this for a long while. Germany and South Korea would be the easiest countries to implement this change to technocracy for their population understanding science and change adaption.