Unless you can buy them out assume dump trucks in your backyard. I’d refuse to buy with those terms. Worse than a hoa.
Unless you can buy them out assume dump trucks in your backyard. I’d refuse to buy with those terms. Worse than a hoa.
A strawman invented by Marx to tear down. It is slightly related to what people do in the real world, but it is simplified in ways to make the real world seem evil.
China has an interesting legal situation since they are a mix of communist and capitalist. Depending on the relationship of the company with the government they can get away with a lot of things that would be illegal for others.
What rights do they have. There is a big difference between they have (or plan to have) a tunnel under your house if the vein of whatever they are mining happens to go that way, and they have rights to knock down your house. Different states have different rules.
Oil is a liquid so if they have a well on your neighbor’s land they are taking “your” oil so it makes sense to make them buy out the entire neighborhood - but they are don’t need to access your surface, the pump elsewhere is enough. Similar for underground mines, they follow the vein of mineral wherever, and don’t care what you do on the surface.
However there are other cases where their pit mine gets bigger and they need to take your land and your can do nothing about it since they have those rights they give you notice and a check (they probably have to buy your house, but maybe not!) and you have to leave in a few months.
In between they can put a well or ventilation shaft in your backyard, but other than having to look at it forever, and the time when they build it there isn’t much loss of your yard (some loss, but not much).
The good news, in places where this is done all the time the courts and law have worked out all the details. The contracts tend to be 1 page that just refers to the hundreds of pages of legal documents saying how things are done. (by contrast if you lease land for a wind turbine it will be hundreds of pages - the legal details are not known so they have to cover all the details) You can go to a local cafe and ask a stranger and probably get reasonably good advice since everyone will know what really happens based on what happened to someone else. Or half an hour with a lawyer and get real information.
The bad news, different states have different rules. Sometimes cities or counties also have rules. As such there is no way anyone can say anything without knowing exactly where you live.
The article isn’t 100% clear, but i suspect this was in China where there are different laws. I have no idea what those laws might be.
How does trumb have this power? Taxes should start in congress
In a driver what else is there? Either you deal with c or hardware.
I can still hate choices that are hostile to my ability to use teams. I still miss lynx which did much better for my needsi
There is a tradeoff. When someone is sharing a screen I want to see more of their screen. A powerpoint should 10 lines mx of large font. A screen share often needs me to see what they do and zoom in loses useful lines - to teams things I don’t even care about.
It demands too much screen space. you can’t rum less than full screen without losing important things. Even full screen I often can’ see the presentation clearly because it shrunk the presentation in favor of avitars / videos of other people.
now that I’m old I cannot see tiny text like I used to. I thus get really mad at useless spate while I’m strurgling to read the presentation. you will understand when you turn 45 too.
so now I can get 7 difierent names with different birthdates. Then I use one to do some fraud under a new name. when the police investigate I have an id of someone else and can throw the old name away.
The trail will last to the next. For that matter in this case the administration would investigate if they suspect something and thus follow the trail.
Also pipelines. sure there is enough oil but canada has a pipeline to minnesota so canadan oil is what they use. North dakota oil does go through minnesota but to a different refinery someplace east that can use it.
brakes are not generally on the list for more than an inspection - which quick lube plates won’t do.
That depends on how they act. China right now is on a path where I’d oppose them replacing the US. However the EU has the ability to replace the US as the global superpower - they don’t because despite some significant differences overall the US and EU get along well and so they don’t see any point. By cooperating the EU gains the things they want from being a global superpower without the disadvantages. Part of that cooperation is the EU is in NATO (mostly?) and so they are paying some of the military costs of the US being a global super power.
The US isn’t perfect by any means, but we have done much better in many ways vs previous global superpowers. Right now I’d predict China would be worse so I oppose it. However who knows how things will change in the future.
That depends on where you are coming from. English has enough German and Latin roots that most of Europe has a head start when learning English. (linguists will define roots different from what I’m using and say English doesn’t have Latin roots, but there is still significant influence)
If you are coming from an African language though it probably won’t make much difference. Though in Africa there is a good chance your nation was controlled by Europe over the years and so you might know enough of some European language to make English easier.
Former you mean. Well he might technically be president, I don’t follow close enough to know the exact status, but he is politically dead in the country and there is just process left to formalize it.
Which is how it should work. People abusing power is a given. If it isn’t happening where you live than either you are ignorant of the truth (perhaps because you overall support what the abuser is doing and so choose to ignore small signs); or you are afraid of what would happen if you talked about abuse.
Until a line breaks and you discover it costs money to have someone fix it. Or a router gets attacked be someone evil and now you don’t have internet. Or … There are a lot of costs to running internet.
I don’t know how the costs compare to what AT&T is charging. I doubt you do either.
If it’s outrage, then that’s exactly what you’ll get
I don’t know how fix this, but this is one of the things a good algorithm needs to prevent. Outrage does get my attention - but it isn’t where I want my attention.
Just like kde 4.0 and wayland were not marketed to consumers and yet consumers used them anyway and then decided latter releases marketed to consumers must also be bad.