What he said ^. There’s no automation, you just have to make sure you catch everything is all. I may have made it sound more difficult than I intended, sorry about that!
What he said ^. There’s no automation, you just have to make sure you catch everything is all. I may have made it sound more difficult than I intended, sorry about that!
Kubernetes isn’t exactly the same as docker. It’s an orchestration system for containers like Docker
Docker is helpful, but won’t be perfect since there’s no built-in migration. You’ll have to move any mounted directories like config and data and stuff. Docker is designed to be able spin up and down constantly, so it doesn’t really hold any persistent data in the image itself.
Also, I know you want free, but have you considered unraid? If you really need free you can try truenas or freenas or whatever, but a user friendly linux distro isn’t usually going to be too much overhead. I’d highly recommend unraid as a good option for users who need an easier way to work with all of their containers but don’t want to go as far as setting up a kubernetes cluster or something.
Ditching google is the most difficult part, especially when iPhone is so locked down :(
This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen all week
Fair enough. Any you could recommend apart from Backblaze and Wasabi?
3TB is still tiny. Both are shit options for people who need unlimited storage for backups
What’s wrong with IMDB?
This is not a secret
When is the transition date?
I thought a few months ago? But maybe that’s just when they stopped allowing SMS
Signal has moved away from using phone numbers
Which were already stupid questions anyway…
I know we all hate reddit for the obvious reasons but gawd did I want to get away from the constant reposts…
Best of luck!!