Cool knives
Cool knives
Sounds tasty
Did one recently. Had a student nurse who was learning how to do it for the first time
Really really sick. I love those graphs, and the desire to create visual data to be angry at
I see a lot of my favorites in that list. Some of my top albums I don’t see:
My eyes have failed me today, thanks lol
Looks nice, I’ll check it out. Always open to something that looks nicer than my excel sheets
Maybe I’ll do the homeassistant install option, I’m actually surprised to see that mentioned in their documentation. I didn’t see a docker image, surely there’s a community-maintained one somewhere?
I can’t believe you’ve done this
+1 for endeavor from me, easy and stable
Having it in Cali is the first step to it eventually being in more of the country. This is a good thing
just use grindr instead like I do
slaps curtains off of the rod
Because I hate them. It should be a criminal offense to be on my bad side
I think it’s just a vanilla option, I have KDE on endeavorOS. It’s not quite as smooth as the windows implementation but it’s really nice to have
I can do it on KDE!