They wouldn’t even have to break encryption to moderate, message groups cannot be (end-to-end) encrypted on Telegram, as secret chats only support one-to-one conversations
They wouldn’t even have to break encryption to moderate, message groups cannot be (end-to-end) encrypted on Telegram, as secret chats only support one-to-one conversations
He is not arrested for having developed the Telegram protocol and apps, but for failing to moderate his platform, where he could totally do so as the messages are not encrypted (except for secret chats which doesn’t even support groups) on his servers, which he has control over.
If it really works like this, the time lock would vary depending on the device. Encrypt for a long time on a potato, decrypt in seconds on a good computer.
IIRC that’s a very old name of the Signal communication protocol
The platforms should be held liable when those groups can easily be accessed by anyone, and moderation would be “simple” as the conversations aren’t even encrypted. We aren’t asking for more of Telegram than Youtube or Facebook