this can’t be real
this can’t be real
i feel apprehensive about adopting a new way of running commands with elevated permission when sudo already feels trustworthy. i’m sure it’s safe but i need an xkcd comic about good old run0
before i can trust it
thank you for promoting the event, op and ctv
i don’t have a single device with a disc drive in it like what you’re referring to
i haven’t seen a blu-ray in at least a decade, what are you on about?
the baker’s tool is unlike any baking tool i’ve seen, it looks more like a tool for butching. none of the items in front of him are bread. the pig is too happy to have been butchered. the inclusion of a hamburger is a weird choice, not first thing that comes to mind, but it does contain bread and meat so points for relevancy. the candlestick maker is serving american gothic
i made a person
i don’t use it anymore since my current apartment layout isn’t suitable, but it was called Cosmic Owl
situation normal: all fucked up
eat the rich
why are they tiny and not regular
oh i did the same and i didn’t realize until i read your comment. that’s some bad ui
which planet was this on?
does it seem really odd that Dell would be selling the laptop bundled with Ubuntu as a “recommended” option?
in early 2009 it would have been windows vista, i think? so maybe that’s the problem